Book Room Hours & Day In Adavance Ladies

There is Buffet in Omaha and Marathon in Lincoln. With these big events going on including graduation at UNL all the hotels at least the good and half decent ones are all booked. Maybe a little late getting this out but just trying to let those who don't know for the remainder of the weekend you may want to pre-book. Expedia couldn't be more useful than in this situation. Stay safe ladies and happy hobbying gentlemen!!
I was thinking the exact same thing!!! Thanks Jane!
kendra kayy's Avatar
It gets like this every spring/summer.
Don't forget, CWS next month along with swim trials.
As a matter of fact, alot of rooms have been booked since the first if the year for the CWS.
Travelocity, Hotwire, and Priceline are also all great tools to use.
Please everyone, hobby safely.
DallasRain's Avatar
thanks for info---so when is a great time to visit in summertime??
kendra kayy's Avatar
thanks for info---so when is a great time to visit in summertime?? Originally Posted by DallasRain
Pm sent
As I am still rather new at this (despite lurking on this site for over a year, and having three great experiences with ladies in the area), so forgive me if this is a dumb question...

What is the norm for securing a room? I have experiences both ways - twice the provider had the room, and there was no additional cost to me (other than her usual rate). Once, I took care of the room, and paid her usual rate (actually slightly discounted, due to some communication difficulties). In the latter case, she rocked my world so I wasn't concerned about getting the room, but it made me wonder what was more common?

As always, comments welcome!
If the provider books it as an incall, then she pays any room charge. If you request outcall, you pickup the room.
DallasRain's Avatar
ok thanks -yall are so sweet & helpful! I will plan for july or August!
pyramider's Avatar
If you wait until August you will be competing with harvest time. Winter will be creeping in ...
DallasRain's Avatar
so early august is bad timing??
There is no harvest in August, although if it stays this warm corn harvest could start the last week of August. Harvest isn't that big of deal for Omaha though.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
I got my room for next week already

Let me know if you need anything while you're here. Hope you have a great time.