Why is it so damn hard to get laid?

Ok, so right now I'm feeling as if its harder to get laid when paying for it then when I have to beg my wife for it. Why you ask? Well I've only see one provider and while she is AMAZING (check out my review of her to see how amazing) I want to try something else...well one of those something elses won't see me because I have only one reference, and my other preferred is out of town (every time I try her she's out of town).

So I cant get refrences unless I see more girls, but if no girls will see me because I don't have refrences then I can't get the refrences they want me to get...damn viscious circle...looks like I'm going to have to do some begging tonight.

So this is me venting my frustration. Sorry if I upset anyone...I understand you gotta be safe...and LE is out in force...but dang...I just wanna get laid.
newyorkboy's Avatar
I feel your pain. This will probably remain like this until the day after elections in November..... but look at it this way....begging the wife is also a vicious circle so at least your life is remaining consistant!
Bigh1955's Avatar
Spice things up with the SO...instead of begging go buy her some jewelry, then think of your next home session as p4p. I know that is just sooo WRONG!
Be patient... But persistent...

Above all else, however... BE POLITE. These are lovely ladies who deserve our respect and admiration for taking the risks they do, daily, to satisfy our animalistic urges... They are not inanimate playthings, serving at our whim. They are human beings with thoughts, feelings, and lives that don't revolve around us (as much as we wish they did ).
I like Starbucks as a first date with folks I don't know. I do not charge for it, but all ladies LOVE extra SUGAR!!!
Felyxx's Avatar
I like Starbucks as a first date with folks I don't know. I do not charge for it, but all ladies LOVE extra SUGAR!!! Originally Posted by Miss O

Was a very good ice breaker highly recommended
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Whatever the lady needs to be safe the lady gets. (Notice I didn't say feel safe, because feelings will fool you.) If I was in the biz, references beat a cup of coffee any day. But I'd be the skittish type.

I would suggest joining P411.
I like Starbucks as a first date with folks I don't know. I do not charge for it, but all ladies LOVE extra SUGAR!!! Originally Posted by Miss O
that's a great idea. I'll have tostart suggesting that when I contact the ladies. Who knows, miss O, maybe someday you and I can have a cup of coffee together......
I once went into a coffee shop I visit and there was a new gal working that just exuded a certain Bettie Page sensuality. As soon as I saw her I thought "oh please tell me she's a stripper on the side....".

A month later I caught her at my favorite strip club.

Proof positive there is a God.
Spice things up with the SO...instead of begging go buy her some jewelry, then think of your next home session as p4p. I know that is just sooo WRONG! Originally Posted by Bigh1955
I have an RX350 with a huge red hood bow that would dispute this as a successful strategy.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I have an RX350 with a huge red hood bow that would dispute this as a successful strategy. Originally Posted by SeaRayPilot
Wow that sucks man.

Would that be Grand lake in Oklahoma? I hang out there in the summer at times.
Brasky's Avatar
Hey Miss O hmm carmel macchiato or latte??
Brasky sounds wonderful. PM me and we can make this happen
Brasky's Avatar
Ok Miss O....twist my arm
So I cant get refrences unless I see more girls, but if no girls will see me because I don't have refrences then I can't get the refrences they want me to get...damn viscious circle...
So this is me venting my frustration. Sorry if I upset anyone...I understand you gotta be safe...and LE is out in force...but dang...I just wanna get laid. Originally Posted by passionatelife01
I've got to agree here. While I am all about making sure everyone is safe, it's like continually getting turned down for a job because of lack of experience which you'll never get because you can't get a job because of said lack of experience... I only see someone 2 or 3 times a year or so, by the time I want to see someone else they won't give a reference since it's been so long or it was someone traveling through the area. There needs to be some easier way to ensure everyone's safety but still get the job done.