Favorite Positions

Bigh1955's Avatar
This has probably been beat up pretty well over the years, but things, and thoughts change...and sometimes there's something new under the sun!

Do you have just one favorite way to do "it," or does your choice change as things progress? What's your favorite position?
DallasRain's Avatar
I've been into Cowgirl even before cowgirl was cool.

Always like the idea of my hands being free to roam and play.

For some time now since I've been interested in just a little less than full service, I'm almost a freak about finishing in the Russian way......comrades.
pyramider's Avatar
I am so used to begging for sex ... it would have to be on my knees and begging.
Good info to know 3sides.
I like all positions, but my fave has to be me standing at the edge of the bed and my partner laying on her back with legs spread up in the air (don't know if there is a name for that). That way I can simultaneously nibble/suck on toes, and watch as she wraps her velvety sheath around my glistening sword.
Osolomio's Avatar
Good to know that the ladies are doing research.

In Dallas's 2nd link about the top 20 sex positions, my favorite would have to be #19 "Hitting the spot". I love the look on Spot's face in the background!
Bigh1955's Avatar
I like all positions, but my fave has to be me standing at the edge of the bed and my partner laying on her back with legs spread up in the air (don't know if there is a name for that). That way I can simultaneously nibble/suck on toes, and watch as she wraps her velvety sheath around my glistening sword. Originally Posted by ZyklonZomB
Err...Standing mish?
snowbeard's Avatar
I don't know about a favorite, but the worst is standing up in a hammock!
Bigh1955's Avatar
Not that there's a bad position...my fav is the one my partner is most likely to get off in...if that makes any sense
Favorite position?

Left field, if shortstop is already taken.

Yeah, that's the ticket!
DallasRain's Avatar
Not that there's a bad position...my fav is the one my partner is most likely to get off in...if that makes any sense Originally Posted by Bigh1955