Smile for spa camera

12blue4u's Avatar
Article in todays paper says they had cameras up at Advantage and were videotaping clients. Dont know if I can post thread so did not as names are mentioned.
I saw the article too, and also found this line interesting.

" Nebraska law allows police to interact sexually with suspects in the course of an investigation, she said."
Cameras!!! Glad I always wore a mask, lol.

Looks like the former owner/manager at 93rd who went off on her own turned snitch. As they say, give up 3, they set you free. Since all this bullshit started, I was wonderg why this person was never indited or at a minimum, name mentioned.
The cameras have been there ever since I can remember (14 yrs at least). That's why I NEVER referred anyone there and if I remember correctly, I talked to a couple of you guys who were regulars of that spa and told you about the cameras after their bust.

You don't honestly think that spas in general don't have cameras all over the place do you?
Hopefully the cameras got my good side. Better yet, they captured on film some of my better moves, lol. Heck, maybe if I ever decide to sell my ass, I can put pornstar in my ad and charge higher rates.

I'll give you a $1 more.

Osolomio's Avatar
Oooh! More upsells!!
I've been giving lessons on how to upsell.