What do you get when you cross a donkey w/ an onion?

Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
A piece of ass so good you get a tear in your eye!!! - Playboy Funnies

Yeah, it's an oldie but a goody! Happily, it's applicable to my hot date in the wee hours of this morning! Yeppers! I sure needed to feel sexy & got even more than that! I really thought I was going to burst out in tears *hence the subject* if I didn't just EXPLODE from the sheer pleasure of this "cunning linguist". OMG! WOW! Anyway, just thought I'd share my happy sex thoughts.


LOL...ok I found one that is kinda funny.

Have you heard about the new version of Playboy Magazine for married men?

The centerfold is the same every month.

I guess that can be true unless they are playing here
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
LOL That's great! I read all my dad's Playboy's before him when they came in the brown paper sleeve. You guys remember those days? When there were still staples? hehe

There has to be a joke about that change...
knotty man's Avatar
lil boy asks his dad "whats the difference between a pussy and a bitch?". the dad grabs a playboy and opens it to the centerfold. draws a circle between her legs and tells his son "see that circle, everything inside it is a pussy". the boy then asks then ,whats a bitch. to which the dad replied "everything outside that circle!".
hope i didnt offend any ladies. just relayin the joke
funny knotty man!
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
,whats a bitch. to which the dad replied "everything outside that circle!".
hope i didnt offend any ladies. just relayin the joke Originally Posted by knotty man
No offense taken, just funny!
Dads mags! Why did they think no one would find them under the bathroom sink????
Silly men!
knotty man's Avatar
so im at my Dr. office for my flu shot. the nurse tells me "your just gonna feel a little prick". all i could think of is.....so, this is what it must be like to be my ATF!
rCoder's Avatar
One of the cartoons that I can still see if I close my eyes was from a playboy during my formative years. Picture two guys break dancing and two dogs watching. One dog says to the other, "If they caught us doing that, they'd worm us!"