Massage Parlor massacre in Atlanta

Didn’t this site have an alert section? I don’t see it anymore. If it is wrong to post an alert here please just delete this post.

Anyway, sometimes these things spread to other areas by copycats. Regardless, I expect all Spa women everywhere to be nervous and on edge for a while.

These spas are places of refuge for comfort and relaxation not for whatever the fuck he was doing, either robbery or some fucked up religious shit. This POS better be executed.
Hobbyman28's Avatar
I think it was a hate crime.
turbo-dog's Avatar
I think it was a hate crime. Originally Posted by Hobbyman28
My thoughts too...
I hope they don't all run and hide now. World is full of too much hate
Raindog115's Avatar
Increasingly this is looking like something other than a hate crime. The kid appears to be some self loathing religious gun nut who was trying to cleanse himself of his unholy desires.

Religion. Not a fan.
Raindog115's Avatar
The fucking kid was 21. Of course he's full of cum. It has to go somewhere.
Increasingly this is looking like something other than a hate crime. The kid appears to be some self loathing religious gun nut who was trying to cleanse himself of his unholy desires.

Religion. Not a fan. Originally Posted by Raindog115
turbo-dog's Avatar
That’s some fu€#ed up $hit!
I think Raindog is close.
I guess we should neaked before we enter the front door, that way everybody knows if we are carrying an extra gun.
I hope someone turns this guy into their "personal amp girl" in prison.
guy was totally crazy and deserves to fry, but the reality of it is.... is.... American women are more and more difficult to date these days. Divorce rate is over 50%. Birthrate is at a 30 year low. Obesity rate is highest in the world.... With such awful options for dating actual real quality women.... a 21 year old relying on massage parlors as his only place to interact with women.... I can see why he might lose his mind, but he directed his rage at the wrong target.... He could've better vented at one of those feminist man hating marches that are all over the place..... It's a sad state of affairs America is in.
myren1900's Avatar

The problem is not women, but insecure men with guns and no brain. If he felt so guilty about having an addiction to sex, he should only have taken one life. His own! But he was too much of a coward to do that.

Women are not at fault for evil idiots like that mass murderer.
It was a HATE crime ....PERIOD!!
Call it what it was.
This piece of shit does not get to write his own narrative. Sexual addiction my ass.
Statistics don’t lie...and the rise in anti-Asian sentiment in the last year, egged on by some in power , contributed to this.
Let’s stop tip toeing around this .
A little bit of therapy goes a long way.