So, How's That Arab Spring Working For You?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Egypt is developing its own Constitution! Hooray! We won! We got rid of that nasty, evil Mubarak, and now Egypt will have its very own Constitution!

So that is good news, unless you are a woman, or a non-Muslim, or if you like freedom of speech, or if you hoped slavery was over, or if you like to choose your books and movies . . . hmmm. Let's see what they are thinking:

An Islamist-dominated panel is voting on Egypt's draft constitution, the country's first charter after the uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak. The draft largely reflects the conservative vision of the Islamists, with articles that rights activists, liberals and Christians fear will lead to restrictions on the rights of women and minorities and civil liberties in general.

Omissions of certain articles, such as bans on slavery or promises to adhere to international rights treaties, were equally worrying to critics of the new draft, who pulled out from the panel before the vote.

Here are some of the disputed articles:

- As in past constitutions, the new draft says that the "principles of Islamic law" will be the basis of law. Previously, the term "principles" allowed wide leeway in interpreting Shariah. But in the draft, a separate new article is added that seeks to define "principles" by pointing to particular theological doctrines and their rules. That could give Islamists the tool for insisting on stricter implementation of rulings of Shariah.

- A new article states that Egypt's most respected Islamic institution, Al-Azhar, must be consulted on any matters related to Shariah, a measure critics fear will lead to oversight of legislation by clerics.

- An article underlines that the state will protect "the true nature of the Egyptian family ... and promote its morals and values," phrasing that is vague and suggests state control over the contents of such arts forms as books and films.

- The draft contains no article specifically establishing equality between men and women because of disputes over the phrasing. However, it maintains that a woman must balance her duties toward family and outside work, suggesting that she can be held accountable if her public role conflicts with her family duties. No such article is mentioned for men.

- An article bans insulting or defaming the prophet and messengers, but is vague about what constitutes an insult, raising concerns of restrictions to freedom of expression.

- An article seeking to ensure people's dignity bans "insulting humans", a vague phrasing that rights activists say contradicts freedom of expression.

- An article maintains that the state supports the arts, science and literature and works to implement them in a way that serves society. That has raised concerns that some arts deemed not in the service of society may be restricted or censored....

Thank you, President Obama, for your efforts in bringing freedom to the Middle East! As you can tell, it was a rousing success. How do you tell the feminists who worship you that you helped institute a government that is pro-slavery and anti-woman? Ah, who cares, right? They will worship you anyway, along with all the other Obamazombies who can no longer think or see for themselves. Obama is great! All Praise to Obama, the Merciful!
The network I watched showed a picture of the legislature in session. I didn't see any women but there may have been binders of women.

Where's Michelle? N.O.W.? How about Syria with its mass murder of women and children? Maddow would be having a cow if it were a Republican President.

The War on Women is real and its not in the USA.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I tried it....but now I smell like a camel.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
I tried it....but now I smell like a camel.

Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Camel? Llama?
What's the difference?
joe bloe's Avatar
I tried it....but now I smell like a camel.

Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Do camels smell different than llamas?
Egypt is developing its own Constitution! Hooray! We won! We got rid of that nasty, evil Mubarak, and now Egypt will have its very own Constitution!

So that is good news, unless you are a woman, or a non-Muslim, or if you like freedom of speech, or if you hoped slavery was over, or if you like to choose your books and movies . . . hmmm. Let's see what they are thinking:

An Islamist-dominated panel is voting on Egypt's draft constitution, the country's first charter after the uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak. The draft largely reflects the conservative vision of the Islamists, with articles that rights activists, liberals and Christians fear will lead to restrictions on the rights of women and minorities and civil liberties in general.

Omissions of certain articles, such as bans on slavery or promises to adhere to international rights treaties, were equally worrying to critics of the new draft, who pulled out from the panel before the vote.

Here are some of the disputed articles:

- As in past constitutions, the new draft says that the "principles of Islamic law" will be the basis of law. Previously, the term "principles" allowed wide leeway in interpreting Shariah. But in the draft, a separate new article is added that seeks to define "principles" by pointing to particular theological doctrines and their rules. That could give Islamists the tool for insisting on stricter implementation of rulings of Shariah.

- A new article states that Egypt's most respected Islamic institution, Al-Azhar, must be consulted on any matters related to Shariah, a measure critics fear will lead to oversight of legislation by clerics.

- An article underlines that the state will protect "the true nature of the Egyptian family ... and promote its morals and values," phrasing that is vague and suggests state control over the contents of such arts forms as books and films.

- The draft contains no article specifically establishing equality between men and women because of disputes over the phrasing. However, it maintains that a woman must balance her duties toward family and outside work, suggesting that she can be held accountable if her public role conflicts with her family duties. No such article is mentioned for men.

- An article bans insulting or defaming the prophet and messengers, but is vague about what constitutes an insult, raising concerns of restrictions to freedom of expression.

- An article seeking to ensure people's dignity bans "insulting humans", a vague phrasing that rights activists say contradicts freedom of expression.

- An article maintains that the state supports the arts, science and literature and works to implement them in a way that serves society. That has raised concerns that some arts deemed not in the service of society may be restricted or censored....

Thank you, President Obama, for your efforts in bringing freedom to the Middle East! As you can tell, it was a rousing success. How do you tell the feminists who worship you that you helped institute a government that is pro-slavery and anti-woman? Ah, who cares, right? They will worship you anyway, along with all the other Obamazombies who can no longer think or see for themselves. Obama is great! All Praise to Obama, the Merciful! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

We didn't get rid of Mubarak, the Egyptian people did. Isn't that the way it is supposed to work Mr. Libertarian/Isolationist? Aren't we supposed to mind our own business when it comes to the political sovereignty of other nations?

Or does that not matter when you sense a misplaced opportunity to criticize President Obama?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Egyptians can have whatever government they want. I just think it's hypocritical that we helped them install an Islamist regime. Mubarak would not have been overthrown without US assistance.

That's all, Timmy. Sorry you don't understand.
America is being lorded over by an empirical president and Obama feels free to engage in foreign policy that is NOT in our national interest....

As Obama told Putin........"after the election ill have more flexibility" (to trade away America's military superiority and defenses presumably).
I am certain MunchMouth knows the his post confirmed.

Do camels smell different than llamas? Originally Posted by joe bloe
joe bloe's Avatar
America is being lorded over by an empirical president and Obama feels free to engage in foreign policy that is NOT in our national interest.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Obama's just being more flexible like he told Medvedev he would be. For Obama, his re-election was like the burning of the Reichstag.

Imagine that, COG, Whirlaway and Joe Bloe on the same thread! We're putting the band back together!
The Egyptians can have whatever government they want. I just think it's hypocritical that we helped them install an Islamist regime. Mubarak would not have been overthrown without US assistance.

That's all, Timmy. Sorry you don't understand. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sorry, I guess you're the one who is incapable of understanding because you'll take any position, no matter how stupid or meritless, if it allows you the opportunity to criticize President Obama.

Again, it's the Egyptians who decided to get rid of Mubarak, not President Obama. We certainly abandoned Mubarak (and rightfully so, he was a dictatorial despot) but your statement that he would not have been overthrown without US assistance isn't factually correct.

And, if the Egyptians decide they want to put a constitution in place that doesn't protect the rights of all Egyptians, then that's up to them. Again, you're the hypocrite for advocating isolationism on your libertarian hand but, advocating the position here that President Obama should have actively intervened in the populist uprising that resulted in Mubarak's ouster.
markroxny's Avatar
Imagine that, COG, Whirlaway and Joe Bloe on the same thread! We're putting the band back together! Originally Posted by joe bloe
Band of idiots. Guess that ointment is finally helping with that sore feeling on your asses, you must be feeling better.

You were all still wrong and got that ass kicked tho. Nothing will change that.

MarxnoSmarts; good to see you dumped the Avatar mocking King Obama. It made him look like a dictator of a failing african colony......he should be treated with more respect, he is the empirical president of a failing Republic.

[QUOTE=joe bloe;1051976989]Obama's just being more flexible like he told Medvedev he would be. For Obama, his re-election was like the burning of the Reichstag.

Imagine that, COG, Whirlaway and Joe Bloe on the same thread! We're putting the band back together!

Like the blind leading the blind.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The dipshits are back in charge of the assylum!

Looks like Sloe Joe got out of rehab and Whirlyturd trended his mouth back open at the same time.

Fucking idiots.

What do you think you're gonna accomplish with your vitriol, lies and abject hatred now?

TLTL asswipes!