Ben Carson has Covid

Chung Tran's Avatar
Ironically announced on the day of a promising vaccine from Pfizer. Carson will get The Trump cocktail, so no worries. He shouldn't let the virus dominate his life. In fact, it might wither away anyway, we are turning the corner going on 7 months now
What an idiot. And he was a surgeon. He shoulda known better. And he’s old and black, prime target for getting ICU treatment.
adav8s28's Avatar
What an idiot. And he was a surgeon. He shoulda known better. And he’s old and black, prime target for getting ICU treatment. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Herm Cain was even worse to take that trip to Tulsa, OK for Trumps rally. He didn't last three weeks after that Trip. Everyone's immunity system can respond differently. There are couple 90 year olds who were on the ventilator for months and survived, went home.

If Carson gets the Regeneron that Trump got and he get's it early he should be okay. Trump did get to go home in 5 days and his oxygen level fell below 95%. However, Trump got the Regeneron, the Remdisivir and a steroid for inflammation early, before his infection got severe.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess this is the sick fuck thread. You're all mocking a man for catching the China virus. Sick fucks!
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 11-09-2020, 01:16 PM
The last double stuff oreo that got it on trump team died and no one gave a shit enough to even much mention it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-09-2020, 01:18 PM
I guess this is the sick fuck thread. You're all mocking a man for catching the China virus. Sick fucks! Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Carson got it at Trump's "victory" celebration!

Trump lost....and Carson caught Covid.

winn dixie's Avatar
Ben Carson Is a successful brilliant Man! Sad to see such reprobates in this thread mocking such a great guy!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
It's kind of weird that a physician did not know better. He obviously was careless. Maybe he joined Trump's cult and believed the cooties virus was a hoax.
adav8s28's Avatar
You're all mocking a man for catching the China virus. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Point is if Cain did not go to that Tulsa rally, he might still be alive. He took a chance that he did not need to take. It cost him his life.

If Biden/Harris had some rally during a pandemic, I would not have gone. Period.
winn dixie's Avatar
Point is if Cain did not go to that Tulsa rally, he might still be alive. He took a chance that he did not need to take. It cost him his life.

If Biden/Harris had some rally during a pandemic, I would not have gone. Period. Originally Posted by adav8s28
We all can see youre the type that doesnt see sunlight! You prolly have mold and cobwebs behind your window curtains! snow flake
adav8s28's Avatar
Ben Carson Is a successful brilliant Man! Sad to see such reprobates in this thread mocking such a great guy! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Was brilliant and successful. The guy in your Avatar fought so that people like Cain would still be picking cotton instead of letting them achieve on their individual talents.

General Lee and Davis lost!!!!! So did Trump.
adav8s28's Avatar
We all can see youre the type that doesnt see sunlight! You prolly have mold and cobwebs behind your window curtains! snow flake Originally Posted by winn dixie
Not so snow flake. I would not go to a political rally in the middle of a pandemic. Too much risk.

Cain was a former CEO of a pizza chain. For whatever reason, he could not get the same treatment that Trump or former Gov Chris Christy got.
winn dixie's Avatar
Not so snow flake. I would not go to a political rally in the middle of a pandemic. Too much risk.

Cain was a former CEO of a pizza chain. For whatever reason, he could not get the same treatment that Trump or former Gov Chris Christy got. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Youre nuts!
adav8s28's Avatar
Youre nuts! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Pretty sure that Cain did not get the Regeneron or the Remdisivir. Trump got both. Former Gov Chisty only got the Remdisivir. Cain's infection of CV19 happened a couple of months before Trump or Christy.
I don’t feel bad at all. He didn’t take it serious and caught it. Just like I have no compassion for a guy that hardbacks a hooker and gets the clap or worse. If he’d been walking around with a mask and still caught it I’d feel something for him. But since he was evidently trying to get covid- maybe part of the herd immunity plan - and got it, oh well