Trump accuses Democrats of cheating? What goes around comes around.

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Trump accuses Democrats of cheating? What goes around comes around.
by Byron York, Chief Political Correspondent |
| November 08, 2020 07:19 PM

Many Democrats and their allies in the media are angry that President Trump has accused Joe Biden and Democrats of cheating to win the presidency. No doubt some are frustrated, even in victory. But why should they be surprised when Trump says the other side cheated? After all, they said the same thing four years ago after the 2016 election.

And they didn't do it for just a week or two. Democrats pressed the cheating accusation to extraordinary lengths, month after month, and year after year, inflicting as much damage on Trump's presidency as they possibly could. Today, after the 2020 vote, Trump's accusations won't have the same effect — they will be dismissed and then ignored by much of the media, as opposed to 2016-2019 when comparably groundless anti-Trump allegations were given daily headlines. But the fact is, in the Trump era, some Democrats made a false accusation of cheating part of their political strategy. They are in a poor position to complain about it now.

The accusation was, of course, that Trump won in 2016 by conspiring with Russia to influence the election. Some Democrats, like Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook, began suggesting Trump was conspiring with Russia in the summer when the campaign was reaching full speed. Then the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid a former British spy to compile a dossier of false allegations claiming Trump-Russia collusion. "Collusion," in the context of the 2016 election, was a synonym for "cheating."

Then it was off to the races. On Jan. 6, 2017, two weeks before Trump was inaugurated, Congress met in joint session to certify the results of the Electoral College. It had historically been a ceremonial, pro-forma event. But several House Democrats tried to block certification of various state results. Rep. Barbara Lee objected to certification "on behalf of the millions of Americans, including members of the Intelligence Community, who are horrified by evidence that the Russians interfered in our election." The objectors lacked any support in the Senate, so the presiding officer — it was then-Vice President Joe Biden — struck them down.

On March 20, 2017, then-FBI Director James Comey made huge news when he announced that the bureau was investigating "whether there was any coordination" between the Trump campaign and Russians seeking to interfere with the election.

On May 17, 2017, the cheating allegation was weaponized with the appointment of Trump-Russia special counsel Robert Mueller, who was assigned to search for coordination between Trump and Russia. The question of whether Trump conspired or coordinated with Russia to gain an unfair advantage in the election was at the heart of the investigation.

By the end of 2017, it was clear inside the Mueller investigation that the special counsel had been unable to establish that conspiracy or coordination even took place, much less who might have taken part in it. But Mueller allowed his investigation to drag on as his prosecutors searched for alleged obstruction of justice. In the meantime, the cheating allegation hung in the air and regularly found its way into news reporting.

On May 1, 2018, for example, there was a spate of collusion stories. "Tonight on All In," MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes said that evening, "the clearest window yet into the Russia probe and signs that Mueller already has evidence of collusion." On CNN, analyst Jeffrey Toobin declared, "This is an investigation about collusion. The fact that the president keeps saying over and over again, there was no collusion, there was no collusion, that has not been established and in fact there is lots of evidence that collusion did take place ..."

What had been established, although Toobin and other commentators, not to mention the general public, did not know it at the time, was that Mueller could not establish that conspiracy or coordination took place. Americans did not learn that definitively until the release of the Mueller report in April 2019, nearly two years after the special counsel's investigation began. "The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities," the report said. It repeated that statement a number of times in the 400-plus page document.

Finally, after all the allegations, there was a verdict, from an investigator who had all the money he needed, all the staff he needed, all the time he needed, and the full law enforcement powers of the U.S. government. Collusion — cheating — had not taken place. Mueller investigated all the major and minor characters of the campaign — Manafort, Gates, Flynn, Papadopoulos, and Page — and never charged any of them with any crime that involved conspiring or coordinating with Russia.

Nevertheless, the cheating allegation had gone on and on — from mid-2016 until mid-2019. It was started and perpetuated by Democrats who sought to accuse Trump of cheating in the 2016 election. Some cling to it even today. In any event, it deeply, and unfairly, scarred the Trump presidency. Many Democrats hoped that it might even be used to remove Trump from office early.

Now, some Democrats say it is time to "heal." And President-elect Joe Biden asks that the accused and those who targeted them "give each other a chance" in the new Democratic administration. Surely no one will be surprised if that doesn't happen.
matchingmole's Avatar
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The Russians tried to influence the 2016 election with the goal of hurting Clinton's chances of winning. I think there is quite a bit of evidence to support that statement. Did Trump assist the Russians in any way? I never thought so. Not even Trump would have been that stupid. Did the interference by the Russians turn the election in Trump's favor? I seriously doubt it but, unlike the unfounded charges being made today by Trump of voter fraud, the charges about Russian interference in the 2016 election seem undeniable.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The Russians tried to influence the 2016 election with the goal of hurting Clinton's chances of winning. I think there is quite a bit of evidence to support that statement. Did Trump assist the Russians in any way? I never thought so. Not even Trump would have been that stupid. Did the interference by the Russians turn the election in Trump's favor? I seriously doubt it but, unlike the unfounded charges being made today by Trump of voter fraud, the charges about Russian interference in the 2016 election seem undeniable. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

russian influence in the race wasn't factor. why would you think otherwise.
The Russians tried to influence the 2016 election with the goal of hurting Clinton's chances of winning. I think there is quite a bit of evidence to support that statement. Did Trump assist the Russians in any way? I never thought so. Not even Trump would have been that stupid. Did the interference by the Russians turn the election in Trump's favor? I seriously doubt it but, unlike the unfounded charges being made today by Trump of voter fraud, the charges about Russian interference in the 2016 election seem undeniable. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Bullshit. Just because "The Russians" bought some ads (mostly after the election was over) is meaningless.

Various Federal agencies and other outlets ADMITTED that not one vote was cast by the Russian agencies nor any of the states results were modified. Not one voter machine was hacked. No evidence of results changed. Their SUPPOSED influnce might have been AT MOST some facebook ads. In fact, a FB executive said the original "ads" bought were less than $1000.

You seem to be tippy toeing. There's tons of evidence of Democratic malfeasance in the 2020 election.

By the way, Democratic money was used to fund the Steele Dossier that was based on Russian disinformation. The Democratic money and the Russian disinformation have already been proven.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
russian influence in the race wasn't factor. why would you think otherwise. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
That is what I said. There was interference by the Russians in Trump's favor but I don't think it impacted the election enough to change the results.
The Russians tried to influence the 2016 election with the goal of hurting Clinton's chances of winning. I think there is quite a bit of evidence to support that statement. Did Trump assist the Russians in any way? I never thought so. Not even Trump would have been that stupid. Did the interference by the Russians turn the election in Trump's favor? I seriously doubt it but, unlike the unfounded charges being made today by Trump of voter fraud, the charges about Russian interference in the 2016 election seem undeniable. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The point of that investigation was not to find Election interference by the Russians but rather to discover whether or not there was a co-Conspiracy to influence the election specifically between the Trump campaign Team and the Russian Government, that was never confirmed. As far as this election fraud allocations, there must be tangible evidence that fraud indeed took place for the specific intent to swing the votes in Biden's favor for him to be elected. If that is founded to be done by design then Biden cannot be lawfully elected president.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Bullshit. Just because "The Russians" bought some ads (mostly after the election was over) is meaningless.

Various Federal agencies and other outlets ADMITTED that not one vote was cast by the Russian agencies nor any of the states results were modified. Not one voter machine was hacked. No evidence of results changed. Their SUPPOSED influnce might have been AT MOST some facebook ads. In fact, a FB executive said the original "ads" bought were less than $1000.

You seem to be tippy toeing. There's tons of evidence of Democratic malfeasance in the 2020 election.

By the way, Democratic money was used to fund the Steele Dossier that was based on Russian disinformation. The Democratic money and the Russian disinformation have already been proven. Originally Posted by gnadfly
As of yet there is absolutely no substantiated evidence of any malfeasance by Democrats to influence the election. Many charges have been made by Trump and associates and as of yet none have been upheld.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The point of that investigation was not to find Election interference by the Russians but rather to discover whether or not there was a co-Conspiracy to influence the election specifically between the Trump campaign Team and the Russian Government, that was never confirmed. As far as this election fraud allocations, there must be tangible evidence that fraud indeed took place for the specific intent to swing the votes in Biden's favor for him to be elected. If that is founded to be done by design then Biden cannot be lawfully elected president. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I did not mention the investigation other than to say I believed Trump to be innocent of any charges he was actually involved in the Russian interference.

As of yet there is absolutely no tangible evidence that Biden or anyone else tried to influence the outcome of the 2020 election.
The Democrats didn’t stop trump from transitioning into the presidency.
I did not mention the investigation other than to say I believed Trump to be innocent of any charges he was actually involved in the Russian interference.

As of yet there is absolutely no tangible evidence that Biden or anyone else tried to influence the outcome of the 2020 election. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Right now those allocations of election fraud are in the discovery phase. Now since there may not be any criminal charges pending which would require evidence and testimony beyond any reasonable doubt to criminally charge someone, to prove Election Fraud and to disqualify the outcome of the election in favor of Biden that fraud took place preponderance of the evidence is all that is required.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Listen to all these legal experts piping up.

Where were you when they put the little babies in the "internment" camps?

Listen to all these legal experts piping up.

Where were you when they put the little babies in the "internment" camps? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You mean like Auschwitz? I wasn't born during WWII.
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump had the mental capacity of a 3-year-old even in his adulthood. He could only speak in short sentences and phrases. Dressed as a girl, he performed in various sideshows throughout his life..and then by an accident he was elected President for a few years
The Democrats didn’t stop trump from transitioning into the presidency. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
No, they just fucked with him for four years trying to oust him from on false allocations of Collusion and even stood in the way of a Supreme Count appointee. Now there is even talk that the election will be concluded in the Supreme Court to preserve the integrity of the election process. If that takes place it might get real for Joe Biden because I think he forgot about Clarence Thomas. Should be interesting.