Want the Fantasy

I enjoy the escape of time with someone, especially as a regular of multi hour sessions. It is the fantasy, being the center of attention from a sensual, sexual woman, that is most compelling. Don't get me wrong, I want the mechanics as well, but inevitably discussions turn to broken computers, recent drama, boyfriends, children etc. It kind of breaks the mood a bit for me, rather than be rude about it, I generally just don't return.

Should I start sessions by asking to be the center of attention, should I stop bringing a bottle of wine, stop inviting discussion?

Or can someone point me to a provider who not only takes me places physically, but enjoys providing the escape of a fantastic attention from a sensual sexual woman.

Thanks -
Duke of G's Avatar
.. but inevitably discussions turn to broken computers, recent drama, boyfriends, children etc. ... Originally Posted by acrossdfw224
This has everything to do with choice of provider. While comfortable conversation can lead to some RL crossover, part of the "Illusion of Passion" is to NOT bring real life into your visit.

This skill is one that sets some ladies apart. It is mental, not physical. Sometimes it comes from experience, but some just understand it. To reference another thread, this is the difference between smart providers and mere pieces of ass.

You've also touched on a requirement that is more difficult to find. You actually have to do the research, and be willing to walk away from someone who may have a great body, right price and menu that you fantasize about, but whose personality may not drive the elements you are seeking above.

Don't stop bringing the things you want to your session. Don't stop engaging in conversation. Just realize that this quality is more difficult to find, and arguably, rarer that "just looks."

As for recommendations, there is such a chemistry question that I'd remark that almost any suggestion made may not align with your personality. In the "WALDT" world, only you can decide which lady will meet that need for you.
+1 to the Duke.

And I'd add that often a more mature, experienced provider will be more open to discuss what kind of experience you might prefer.

Patience and research, too.
Lifeking's Avatar
Across - I am looking for the same kind of provider... An ATF did that for me but she retired. If someone has any suggestions please post or PM me.

I agree that more mature providers are typically better at this but some times I want a hot young provider (<30) for the experience and it is difficult to find.
The "RFE" is your answer and dont just take my word for it... Not a WK here but the reviews do tell a compelling story... She absolutely is the standard for physical and mental companionship...
RFE ???? Is that a person or abrev for something?
It's interesting to me to see what people like. I'm just the opposite-I tend to be a pleaser mentality. I genuinely like to hear about the ladies, what they like, etc. It's every bit as important to me that I be a good host and insure the lady had a good time. Probably more important, to be honest. I just like ladies.

I suppose, from a purely selfish standpoint, if they like to talk or vent a bit to a sympathetic ear, often they feel more comfortable too. A comfortable and happy provider makes for a better session. If you're lucky enough to throw in an orgasm or two, you've usually got a lady that's happy to see you again.

Hopefully you can find what you're looking for. I just find it hard to find a lady whose acting skills are up to the task of making me believe its all about me for 2+ hours.
I believe its the Reese Foster experience.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
Hmm, you know we all have unique reasons why we might see a provider. In the end, a provider is an adult entertainer and every entertainer has their own gig. I think in general a more mature woman might be more likely to listen and comfort but then some have that personality inherently. I doubt the average 18-19 year old woman is going to be a big listener, she is probably so full of excitement about starting her career and so forth that she is bursting for a chance to talk about what's going on.

Those who take may be considered selfish, but when we give, we often look for a reward inside for our selfless behavior.
  • hd
  • 08-17-2012, 01:40 PM
I agree with Duke, if you're a P411 member, check the ones that offer multi hour sessions with the looks that catch your eye. It will be a learning experience, but also, seeing someone for a length of time, you will both naturally talk about what you are comfortable with, be it on the topics you mentioned. You may do the same but not realize you are talking about those subjects?

I've done a few longer sessions, but they were all BCD, and we talked about family, etc. Not a big deal to me, it's just a way to be more comfortable.

I just saw and had an exceptional length of time with a sweetheart that had me wrapped tight around her little finger. It was more of a date and BCD. I was aware of her for a few years and did research on her reviews, so I was comfortable with my choice.

Depending on the experience you're looking for, research and then go for it. And as said in the other replies here, look for maturity, not necessarily age.
All well thought comments, thank you.

My hope is to leverage to co-Ed concept to get another genders perspective.

cumalot's Avatar
Playing a fantasy over and over in my head and knowing what I want out of a session and what a provider can perceive from what I describe to her may be as different as night and day when the session begins. It seems you know how you want things to progress to, but she has no clue what you want or how to accomplish it...I agree the right provider is the only short answer here. She has to be one who is skilled in the illusion aspect if she is going to get you the fantasy that you want. P-411 allows us to put our bucket lists, desires, and fantasy in one place for the provider to view, which helps us get over what we want without throwing everything at once into an email...I have used chat and pm's and emails to get the mind fuck going and if she is receptive to it, it helps close the gap on the meeting of the minds of what we want in a fantasy...I have found a provider myself that has the skills and it is great to have someone that knows how to listen and knows how to carry out for the best part her rendition of what I want. Whether its sensual GFE or kinky PSE it’s all about finding the right provider and having communication …..just my 2 cents
KittyLamour's Avatar
I appreciate this post because it gave me something to think about that I had not considered before and the OP is absolutely correct. Men are looking for a fantasy, an escape from reality and their every day problems...why ruin it with discussing other issues that they can't help or do anything about? I agree that it must damper your festivities and I personally am going to remember this post and make a conscious effort to provide that illusion you are seeking to fulfill your happiness in a session. Thank you very much for bringing this to the light for me. I am striving for improvement as a provider and you gave me valuable information.
pmdelites's Avatar
it can happen. but it takes lots of research, lots of time together [1-2 hrs at a time] and lots of money.

for me, it's not so much a need for an illusion or a fantasy.
more of a need for intimate and friendly time together.
w/out bs, drama, illegal issues, family problems, money problems, etc.
those are mood killers par excellence.

"Should I start sessions by asking to be the center of attention"
once you do some research and find a woman who you think will be "that" one for you, let her know what you are looking for and see how she responds.
either she'll get it and let you know she can do it.
or she wont get it or isnt into that.
if she isnt "the" one, look again.

there are women like this out there.
best of luck to you in your search!

I had a two-hour date yesterday with ample time to chit chat before/between his three pops

What did we discuss?

The mosquito spraying. He didn't know about the second go-around coming up on Monday that I'd read about in the paper. He good-naturedly teased me for still reading a paper (he's 30 )....

....we talked about the constantly-updated, foldable ipad-type newspaper we've both heard about...and other technological advances (some flops e.g. 3-D tvs, some hits e.g. GPS)...

...which led to my description of early ads for telephones I'd seen in an advertising book (Safety~ showed two ladies with Gibson Girl hairstyles hovering over the phone as a dark shadow was in the window; Health~ showed a group making a call to a doctor to have him come tend a sick family member *(yeah, a house call! No more taking the pony to go fetch the doctor LOL), versus more recent phone company themes ("Let your fingers do the walking", "Reach out and touch someone" convenience and social connection). He sequed into social connectiveness via Twiter/Facebook, etc.

....Later he complimented my music and told me he's more auditory than visual and I commented that I'm more tactile than visual. He shared some details amplifying this theme.

....I laughed about the "Mr. Blanders builds his dream house" Cary Grant movie where Myrno Loy describes a shade of yellow to the painter "Not daffodil. The color you get in fresh cream butter..." etc, and when she leaves the house the painter tells the crew "Yellow in the entry, red in the dining room, green in the living room" minus all the particular shading details

.....I could go on and on but the point is I never asked him what he did for a living; he never asked how old my kids are; we didn't mention anything stressful or boring. Yet we DID have plenty of enjoyable conversation.