Little blue pill

Dscrtplano's Avatar
So lately I've been considering talking to my doc about a prescription for Viagra or something like it. My SO and I have noticed some issues. Recently started blood pressure meds cause my doc thinks its been a little high for to long

Another reason is I've never been one who can rise again for msog. Hoping taking something will help with that. Suggestions? Opinions?
try daily cialis. you take a tiny dose every day. comes in 2.5, 5, and 10 mg. On the days that you know you are going to get some, do the 10 mg. You should be able to get a free sample from your doctor. Its super expensive, but most docs have some. I have found 5mg daily is good.

also have you had your total testosterone checked?
Dscrtplano's Avatar
No I have not. Didn't even know that could be tested :/
I've used the pill on occasion. I didn't like the flushing I got with Levitra. I notice when I am in shape, there generally isn't a need for the pill. If I get out of shape, then my wanger gets lazy too. I agree with the dosage, I would cut a larger pill. The cost/insurance is by the pill, so get a large dosage and cut the pill. 5 mg worked for me.

I got started with samples too.

PS Ladies I always wondered what you think when a guy shows up for an appt with a red face.
No I have not. Didn't even know that could be tested :/ Originally Posted by Dscrtplano
Didn't know it could be tested? What the what??? You must not listen to sports talk radio or anything of that ilk.....every other commercial spot is about low-t and how to get it tested & fixed.

Apparently the male sports fan suffers greatly from ED and many other "performing issues".

All kidding aside, pal.....there's help out there. Consult with your doctor and I'm sure he'll point you in the right direction. Ask him what he

By the way, at GNC there's a product called's an all natural, herbal male enhancement product I recently came across. It may not be for you but it sure does the trick for me. And much cheaper than V and C; that require a prescription.
Good luck and Happy MSOG'ing!
Let me see if I can find some of the great threads on here about testosterone.

Unfortunately the marketing for the get 'em up pills has been so widespread, that there hasn't been as much info given about reasons why you might feel you need one of them pills in the first place.

So much can be solved by a thourough physical examination and bloodwork - before you start interfering with your body's natural functions with that damn thing. (Yes, I call it that - because my experience with it, the first versions of it - have been frustrating at best.)

I do know it is extremely helpful for the much older generation that have had medical procedures and had lost hope of having many of the full sexual contact with women that they once had...or testosterone therapy has not given them the benefit they were expecting...etc.

I believe you have to be watched carefully at first with the testosterone - some younger men on that have gotten a little "testy".

I'll be back...let me go see what I can find.
This one isn't all that informative. I would very much advise talking to your doctor and doing blood work FOR SURE.
Link in nat'l forum

This is a GREAT thread with many members I actually know:

Austin Thread re: T-therapy

Here's an informative site - not webmd - that provides more info. I didn't read all of it though.
Relationship between Testosterone & Hard Cocks

From what I gather - the first step BEFORE T-therapy would be to increase your regular cardio activity.

I'm sure for any man, just that simple cardio is beneficial to keeping the right balance of "stuff" in your muscles and hormones in your system. It is also beneficial before doing your cardio (even if it's just doing your walking or machines at the gym) to eat some kind of protein bar or shake. (again BEFORE your work out)

I'd hope you are also on a decent MEN'S multi-vitamin. The foods we all eat these days are not enough - Unless you have a personal chef feeding you a proper diet, well...more than likely you aren't giving your body the support it needs to break down fats, toxins, build muscle, even regulate sleep properly. I know I don't do what I'm suppose to all the time. (Growing up with a dad who is all about nutrition - I heard it and still hear it. LOL)