Serious question

I am new to this world. I recently did a search on a lady, and at the bottom there was a checked box entitled---ILD chay forums (yes pig latin because I do not even remotely want my name associated with this.

what is this? very disconcerting to me.
Child Forums is Vb's terminology for sub forums.

don't know what a sub forum is, but I'd change the name. Thanks for replying.
Dallas is a main forum
Coed, Provider ads, alerts...etc are sub forums

Can't change the name...or at least we can't figure out how to change the name.

...or at least we can't figure out how to change the name.

LAP Originally Posted by lickalotapus
Well put....and I agree, on a site of this nature it is kinda weird. I'll try to figure it out.

St. C
rgvpapi's Avatar
it's just the terminology the programmers of the software used. I can guarantee you, there are millions of forum sites that have this same terminology...