Provider References Made Easy (Please Read!)

!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
References are a big deal here on ECCIE and I am absolutely sure that hundreds of great, paying clients get turned down for appointments every week. It breaks my heart to think of the men that get discouraged from hobbying all together because he has been turned down so many times by women who, let's face it, are not the safest most reputable characters themselves. SMH!

I see lots of big holes in the whole system and I personally choose not to waste a lot of my time jumping through a lot of hoops, plus I imagine it brings down the clients original level of excitement. It would mine.

Of course, the process is here to stay no matter how I feel about it. I just want to share a way to make it much easier. Lady's would you consider coming up with a code word to give your clients so that when one of our colleagues call us and mention that word, you will know right away who she is talking about? I used colors a little while and it went well. I knew what guy went with the color and could give her a fast, easy reference. I hate little more than dealing with a girl that keeps going back and forth for more imformation.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
A long time ago, before ASPD and ECCIE, when was all there was and Diana of Dallas was one of the very few escorts on the internet, there were a few email groups around the country that shared information on ladies. Some ladies, upon hearing that a client was a member of a group, would give a client a code word to share with the group. She'd give a client the code word, say, "champagne." So then, when another guy called her and used the word "champagne," she'd know that he'd heard of her through the email group. In most cases, that was all the screening that was required. I don't know if that's doable nowadays, but it worked then.
Wow when I saw Diana she seemed like such a newbie!
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
The same thing would work now. I don't know how other providers operate, but I do not hang on to my clients information after the session. I think it violates their privacy and I simply don't care to so when a girl calls me with a name and number, it is difficult to give a valid reference. I take the time to think and sometimes I can remember, but sometimes I can not.

I do the code words with every client that asks to use me as a reference and when a girl calls and says the code word, I am able to give a 100% for sure reference every time. The problem is that most of the guys tat use me as a reference don't ask me first so I am caught off guard.
TrueCowboy's Avatar
May I suggest you remember the bad ones instead of all the good ones. If a John is a piece of shit, write his name down. When ladies called for ref., you give a thumbs up unless he's on the naughty list. Just a thought
blowmypop23's Avatar
You lost me at "lots of big holes"

bojulay's Avatar
I'll be Mauve if we get to choose.
I'll be Mauve if we get to choose. Originally Posted by bojulay

flghtr65's Avatar
What about using P411 ok's or Whitelist Referrals on TER for screening. There are a lot of Dallas independents who have a profile on one or the other or even both. I am on TER and that helps with screening.