prostrate massage/aneros questions...

A couple of threads come up when I search....

Figured I'd post this in co-ed since I'm sure I'm not the only guy with BPH issues.

To put this in a bit of perspective I had one of those medical scares over the holidays. My PSA shot from less then 1 to roughly 16 (15.8)...right in the statistical sweet spot of the meat grinder. To low for any acute prostrate infection and high enough "velocity" to put you in a bad place on the actuarial charts. to make a long story short doc put me on scorched earth antibiotics and scheduled a biopsy "in case". 30 days later PSA was back down to 1.6 so follow up visit is your fine...but during the Q & A he says you have BPH and its effecting both general health and sexual health.

Now prostrate massage is the recommended treatment however the thought of paying to bend over and have my urologist (or assistant diddle) me in ass wasn't/isn't high on my bucket list. After further talk he mentioned the aneros which was actually invented as a medical device specifically for prostrate massage. given the options I went ahead and ordered one. To be candid while I certainly love a good rim job and have had a few massages (specially in Asia/South America) with great prostrate massage I've also had a few less then stellar experiences. Not homophobic or uneasy just never have had a toy inclination. Now all of a sudden I'm a point where some type of proactive prostrate health is being more or less forced on me....

Anyway, the "device" should show up in the next week or so and I'm guessing I'll need to incorporate it into my playtime in some way. You read everything and take it with a grain of salt. At this point I'm viewing it as exactly what its original purpose was...if some overwhelming erotic benefit occurs so much the better.

At this point I can't see this being used for more then +1/+2 FBSM/massage but then again I'm friggin clueless until I play with it. Will probably look to set up a few "practice sessions" in April and hopefully fins a playmate I can incorporate my "medical treatment" into a once a week or so addition to my play dates.

Obviously anybody (guy or gal) with 1st hand experience your comments and insights are appreciated. I know Dallas and a few of the gals have them or have been exposed to them....
DallasRain's Avatar
I dont really like my aneros as much as I like using my finger

{the finger allows a really intense deep massage}

Yssup Rider's Avatar
My urologist has a very cute little spinner type assistant. I've never had a problem filling a cup for her.

But ... to be completely sarcastic ... EVERY massage I have is a prostrate massage. I'm on my front and then my back. Or first on my back and then on my front. Rarely am I not prostrate.

Sorry amigo, don't mean to POKE fun.

I think you meant prostate, as in gland, right?

Common mistake, and I'm a douchebag!
Common mistake, and I'm a douchebag! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Yes you are. Keep up the good work.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Spell it, hell until a few years ago I probably couldn't have found it....

Obviously I need to screen my urologist better, his PA could probably start on any defensive line in the NFL....

Dallas thanks for taking a moment to reply, I think your comment goes to the heart of my varied experiences with prostate massage. It's obviously an acquired skill...

On behalf of all those "OTHER" folks who just ordered one as a result of this thread I thank you.
Having a normal prostate I have no use for one of course. (Eyes darting over to the side nervously)
Can't imagine who would possibly go to and order the progasm but if I Oh I mean they did I am sure they would thank you for adding to their toy collection.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 03-25-2011, 09:36 PM
For the acronym challenged (like me) from Wikipedia:

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) also known as benign prostatic hypertrophy (technically a misnomer), benign enlargement of the prostate (BEP), and adenofibromyomatous hyperplasia, refers to the increase in size of the prostate.
I do like having my prostate massaged (Jules Milano, where are you?) as it leads to some really intense orgasms. I, too, ordered an Aneros for play two or three years ago, but, quite frankly, it doesn't do anything for me. I don't know if it just doesn't hit the spot like a skilled lady does, or maybe I'm not using it right. In any event, it sits in my box of discarded toys.

There are a number of ladies in Austin who don't mind playing with a guy's butt... that would be my suggestion for "therapy".

Do you have a suggestion as to which ladies are actually skilled at this rather than the ones who just ram a finger in your ass and hope for the best?
DallasRain's Avatar
Do you have a suggestion as to which ladies are actually skilled at this rather than the ones who just ram a finger in your ass and hope for the best? Originally Posted by justabloke

Eraserman's Avatar
Do you have a suggestion as to which ladies are actually skilled at this rather than the ones who just ram a finger in your ass and hope for the best? Originally Posted by justabloke
Oh, that is SO hilarious the way you put it! AND so accurate! The few times I've had it done mostly it's been terrible. It would have felt just as "good" to molest myself with a broomstick and would have had the advantage of being cheaper.

I have taught a lady how I like it and she did a great job. It can be very pleasurable if done right and at the right time. A massage therapist I used to see was the one who showed me it can really feel good. Slender fingers, a nice light touch.

Never tried the aneros, been curious, but never wanted to spend that much money on something that might not work out.

I'll be watching for your return to Austin, Dallas, so we can visit and you can try your skills on me.
AidanRedd's Avatar
I own a Aneros. Doesn't work for me. I went through about a $1000 in sex toys trying to get a prostate orgasm and nothing seemed to work. Then on my birthday a few years ago, I was having a foursome with me, two of our lovely Austin providers, and one them's boyfriend, a girl was using a glass dildo with nubs on the sides and pushing it in and out of my ass while rotating it. Then all of a sudden I exploded like a roman candle and I heard angles sing.

The other girl that owned that glass dong ended of giving it two me about 6 months later. I also have a a vibrating pink thunder fuck dildo that works wonders as well.

The best way to achieve the all mighty prostate orgasm is a have a true professional that knows what they are doing give it to you. It's very hard to get it by yourself.
DallasRain's Avatar
woohoooo to!

you will NEVER NEVER NEVER feel me "slam or cram my finger up your butt".....!ol!!!
Having only had chance to try the thing once all I can say is that (for me at least) the hype is real. I guess (from the feedback I got on the aneros forum) I am one of those naturally wired right (at some level). One of the mods basically said what I described was one flavor of the "super-O". Totally different then anything I have ever experienced including a couple of entirely prostate driven traditional O's (In Bangkok and Brazil).

In my case the "release", it's not really an ejaculation since it just leaks out, it completely got in the way of what ever the hell was happening. I'm a typical middle aged guy with no experience with toys or any inclination toward anything other then a good rim job now and then. I'd classify the entire experience as it ("the device") just being "there". Not pleasant but not painful. It does what its designed to (massage prostate that is) and I had done a few sets of small contractions with no erotic fact unless I gave it the "full monty" I couldn't even tell if the thing was pivoting, fluttering, twitching...nada. Was breathing as per the instructions at end still getting used to it and about to end the session and hit the shower when all hell broke lose. At no point during the ensuing "event" did I ever get an erection or even a strong sexual feeling in the traditional sense....however it was undeniably a 5 star E ride orgasm of some type (2-3 minutes total duration from onset till my "release" stopped it).

Obviously at some point soon I need to try this thing with a friend

All I can say (from obviously very limited experience) is that since its not anything like a traditional orgasm it's easy to bury the beginning or try and make it something that its not. This probably accounts for a lot of experience like Aidans (totally guessing). At the same time the base experience was for me (other then the "O") neutral at best. I'm just not at all inclined to having anything back there (just an old straight laced white dude). For it to work (for me at least) as a sex toy I'll need to be with someone i'm totally comfortable with (just the "prep" creates a sense of self conscienceness)...
Spell it, hell until a few years ago I probably couldn't have found it....

Obviously I need to screen my urologist better, his PA could probably start on any defensive line in the NFL....

Dallas thanks for taking a moment to reply, I think your comment goes to the heart of my varied experiences with prostate massage. It's obviously an acquired skill... Originally Posted by TxToast
Um, I learned long, long ago to check those sorts of things out. When you shake hands, look at them. If your hand disappears, have a quick consult and say "thanks". Or look up a female.

My PCP is a spinner, as is her PA. I'm due for my physical. The DRE is a pain, but not as much as a dude with monster paws. (My prior doc always asked if I'd prefer his PA, small but not a spinner, but cute ).