Any intel "Las Vegas Princess" Syracuse

boredinbingo's Avatar
I've had my eye on this one for a while:

I like the young, brunette stripper look. Call me cliche.

She used to have a website at but I haven't found much in the way of reviews of her and her site is now down. I called her once many moons ago, but got an odd vibe and spent my money elsewhere. Yet, I'm still curious. Any input is helpful.
she had very mixed reviews on aspd but nothing spectacular. i also had a bad vibe from calling her and stayed away.

I recommend Nikki. Always lots of fun. See my PM.
I'll go against Conner on that one in my opinion. Upsold me and not even close to GFE for me.
Yeah, she's not a GFE, but that body doesn't quit.
Not a fan of the butt implants....yes I said butt
boredinbingo's Avatar
Well some guys are boob men some are ass men - nevertheless I won't make anyone the butt of my jokes.
Boogyman's Avatar
I called her once and she talked very fast and unclear. She gave me some strange directions and hung up before I could clarify. I thought she was massage only? If more is on her menu, I can look past poor attitude with a body like that.

At least the the implants are done well. I hardly even think about it when I see her. I don't know, to each his own. Things have gotten better with her since I've known her. As most of you know, providers can change a bit once they know you better and that you're a return client. She's not my ATF, but definitely someone I enjoy seeing every now and then.