Just Cruzing.
I thought you'd tell me that Jesus wanted me to kill myself, or kick my ass with my own bare fists or some such nonsense. I figured you'd want to deport Jesus, and all his mishpucha. Originally Posted by Yssup RiderOK - that was kinda funny, the word mishpuca for extended family, and substituting Jesus as a Mexican, you are trying to make me out as a racist for not welcoming illegal aliens. However, I want people who immigrate to do so legally, and that doesn't make me a racist.
OK - that was kinda funny, the word mishpuca for extended family, and substituting Jesus as a Mexican, you are trying to make me out as a racist for not welcoming illegal aliens. However, I want people who immigrate to do so legally, and that doesn't make me a racist. Originally Posted by DSKLMAO!