
TxCooker's Avatar
Anyone been to Centerfolds lately? Thinking about stopping by this evening .
I was there last night and it was pretty good for a Tuesday. The staff are saying it's slow these days, but that's better for us bc the ladies are more open to negotiating. CF is one of my top 2 good luck clubs. Other is Colorado.
TxCooker's Avatar
Thank you. Happy hunting.
Let us know how things turned out there. Used to be a favorite, but haven't been in a while.
CF is always hit/miss. M-Th weeknights are pretty good with lots of variety. Saturday day is great, but stay away saturday night it gets rough.

Day shift girls will play inexpesively and I always leave happy. Evenings are even better - the penthouse VIP area is a blast.
TxCooker's Avatar
Good to know.
CG2014's Avatar
That place still around?

I used to go there when it was the Service Station in 1987-1989 before the Houston Men's Club opened and then they closed and reopened as Centerfold.

When they were Centerfold, back in those days in 1991-1994, they were pretty good.

Hot girls, no GPS, no BS from management.

Does the City of Houston still makes strippers wear those spray on pasties to cover up their nipples areas?

I left Houston in 2004 and never looked back.

Did pass through Houston once for business in 2009 and I stopped by The Men's Club for a quick lunch and they were still wearing those pasties.
I remember that Service Station.
CG2014's Avatar
Those were the good old days before The Men's Club and Treasures opened.

Service Station, Rick's (I was one of their first 20 Lifetime VIP member, $350, and still have my membership card - may still be good at Rick's clubs? Don't know, haven't tried to use it in 20 years), Caligula, City Streets, Chic (corner of Hillcroft and Windswept), Goldfingers in little strip center borders the north edge of the Shell gas station at NW corner of Chimney Rock and US 59 (now renamed to US 69 - WTF?).

It's where the green spot is:

I think Colorado was already opened in 1988-1989? Don't remember. I only been there a couple of times in the mid 90's and didn't care for it.

Also Baby-O's in Windsor Plaze at NE corner of Richmond and Sage before they closed. That was the first strip club I ever went to when I was 18.
Got my first table dances there for $10. It was more like a bar dance. Went there with a couple of my college classmates and the drinking age was 19 and we were all 18: the bouncer let us in and he said we had to sit at the bar.

Little blonde came up and started talking and then she asked: do you mind if I dance? Clueless that we were, we said go ahead. She danced and gyrated in front of us standing up, honestly don't think she even took her top off; when she was done, she told us we owe her $10 for 2 dances. We paid her and left.

After that first trip to a strip club, I didn't step foot in another strip again until 2 years later when a colleague of mine suggested we go to Rick's for lunch, they had $5.95 T-Bone and baked potato special every day.

How about the Butt Naked Club.

Anyone remember it?

It was down near McGowen somewhere in South Central Houston where 45 and 288 intersects.
Centerfolds suck. Girls desperately trying to hustle you to go upstairs for an expensive show. I seriously doubt they do anything upstairs like they did before. Waitresses, very mean-spirited, try to hustle you for tips. Most of the guy patrons just talk to each other. There aren't too many dancers on the stage. Girls aren't the best looking. Place feels kind of ghetto to me.
CG2014's Avatar
Times have changed.

Many strip clubs in Houston sucks now.

The 80's and 90's were the good old days.

I used to go to Centerfolds all the time 1991-1993.

Beautiful women and they actually put on a show while on stage and no hustle to go upstairs.

Never once had I gone upstairs.

Took a few dancers out for private play time for the price of dinner and drinks.

Sometimes I would slip them $100 or if like the time one of them needed $225 to pay the rent, I gave it to her and she made it up to me later, twice.

Back then they went out with you OTC because they liked you and trusted you, not because you gave them a ton of $.
Times have changed.

Many strip clubs in Houston sucks now.

The 80's and 90's were the good old days.

I used to go to Centerfolds all the time 1991-1993.

Beautiful women and they actually put on a show while on stage and no hustle to go upstairs.

Never once had I gone upstairs.

Took a few dancers out for private play time for the price of dinner and drinks.

Sometimes I would slip them $100 or if like the time one of them needed $225 to pay the rent, I gave it to her and she made it up to me later, twice.

Back then they went out with you OTC because they liked you and tusted you, not because you gave them a ton of $. Originally Posted by CG2014
^^^^ King of Bullshit!
CG2014's Avatar
Did you go to strip clubs in the 80's and 90's?

Rick's? Centerfold? Men's Club?

Don't be calling people BS if you weren't going to strip clubs back then in the 80's and 90's and if you did and you never gotten girls OTC because they liked you without having to pay them by the hour or by the day, you had no game or you just came across to them as not a nice guy and not someone they could trust.

I dated many strippers out of Houston strip clubs between 1985-2004 and never had to "sugar baby" them.

They went out with me because they liked me and trusted me.

Even had 3 that wanted to marry me: one out of Rick's in 1987, two out of Men's Club in 1994 and 2004.

They were all in the 20's back then and compared them to the girls in the same 20's years age range today, the girls in their 20's today are different:

materialistic, self centered, many (including REAL WORLD ones) will not even talk to you unless you drop money and bling bling stuff first.

Even back then real world women who were not strippers and providers were different.

If you are nice and they trusted you, they go out with you for dinner and drinks and movies and never asked for money after they had sex with you.

Then they don't blow up your phone asking for rent and car payment and pay this and pay that.

I have friends straight out of college in the 80's, just got their first jobs and apartment and had nothing in their places who met girls that married them, even after my friends told these ladies: look, I just got out of college and started working, I have no money to do anything.

What did the ladies said to them in response: don't worry, we will work it out together and I like you for you, not because you have money or not.

Those are TWO REAL QUOTES two of my friends told me.

Many of them are still married and are now in the late 50's, have raised several kids who are grown up and have go on to have kids and families of their own.

So don't be calling BS on me.

Times have changed. People attitude have changed. Folks nowadays are all about appearance and money and what you drive and how big your wallet is - if you have none of that or if your car and your bank account doesn't start at a certain level, you are considered a 3rd class citizen and shunned by society.

Unfortunately and sad that's what the world has become.

Another rude idiot on my IGNORE list!!
Did you go to strip clubs in the 80's and 90's?

Rick's? Centerfold? Men's Club?

Don't be calling people BS if you weren't going to strip clubs back then in the 80's and 90's and if you did and you never gotten girls OTC because they liked you without having to pay them by the hour or by the day, you had no game or you just came across to them as not a nice guy and not someone they could trust.

I dated many strippers out of Houston strip clubs between 1985-2004 and never had to "sugar baby" them.

They went out with me because they liked me and trusted me.

Even had 3 that wanted to marry me: one out of Rick's in 1987, two out of Men's Club in 1994 and 2004.

They were all in the 20's back then and compared them to the girls in the same 20's years age range today, the girls in their 20's today are different:

materialistic, self centered, many (including REAL WORLD ones) will not even talk to you unless you drop money and bling bling stuff first.

Even back then real world women who were not strippers and providers were different.

If you are nice and they trusted you, they go out with you for dinner and drinks and movies and never asked for money after they had sex with you.

Then they don't blow up your phone asking for rent and car payment and pay this and pay that.

I have friends straight out of college in the 80's, just got their first jobs and apartment and had nothing in their places who met girls that married them, even after my friends told these ladies: look, I just got out of college and started working, I have no money to do anything.

What did the ladies said to them in response: don't worry, we will work it out together and I like you for you, not because you have money or not.

Those are TWO REAL QUOTES two of my friends told me.

Many of them are still married and are now in the late 50's, have raised several kids who are grown up and have go on to have kids and families of their own.

So don't be calling BS on me.

Times have changed. People attitude have changed. Folks nowadays are all about appearance and money and what you drive and how big your wallet is - if you have none of that or if your car and your bank account doesn't start at a certain level, you are considered a 3rd class citizen and shunned by society.

Unfortunately and sad that's what the world has become.

Another rude idiot on my IGNORE list!! Originally Posted by CG2014
You have a great fantasy life! A stripper is a hustler by trade. Doesn't matter what time or place you find them. They are all the same.
Quiet Cal's Avatar
I can vouch for what CG2014 said about picking up dancers in the mid 1990s-early 2000s in Dallas.

A lady dancing at the strip club does not make her a hustler. So many of them hate it (usually because they are to shy to meet 50 strangers a day, ask for a dance, be rejected again and again), quit in the first weeks or months, and leave that line of work, and don't leave as hustlers.

Yes, for sure if you meet a lady that's made a career of stripping, she's going to *probably* be a hustler.

When I was in my early 20s, I would go into the strip-clubs with my friends, and it was EASY to pick up a girl, because I was the same age as the dancers and waitresses. My very first time I went to one strip club, I met one of the most beautiful women I ever met, same age as I was. She danced as a stripper that one night, because she was mad at a boyfriend, so she went to strip at the club to pick up a guy (lucky me.) Gave me her number on a napkin, and I called her the next night and she took me to a party where her boyfriend's friends were at. I remember she got naked at my place, drunk, took a sofa cushion and slid down the stairs in my townhouse. Her friend was a waitress there, who told her "Never date a customer." She was not a hustler. It was a time just before the internet took off mid-90s. Just my lucky night. Dumb luck. I had nothing to do with it.