Ya know what grinds my gears?...lol

Thereallaylalane's Avatar
Ya know what grinds my gears? ECCIE and its ability to let US providers see "The rest of the story" when in fact it is written about US. Nor do we have the ability to buy premium access because we are not a male member?! Nor do we have the option to comment on the review or statement being left ABOUT US!!! Its down right keeping the information that is written about US from US. In my opinion they need to form some sort of premium access to the providers. Im not even asking to see other providers "rest of the story" but if the review was written about YOU, YOU should have access to it. Right?
Makes sense to me. I've actually had conversations with some providers about if there are/they should make websites where providers can discuss clients and get some basic info like who's okay to see and not.
JackJohnson's Avatar
Makes sense to me. I've actually had conversations with some providers about if there are/they should make websites where providers can discuss clients and get some basic info like who's okay to see and not. Originally Posted by Guber2113
There already is, that's what the "powder room" which clients cannot access, is for, and some providers use it.

To the OP's point though, the information exchange here is for clients. Providers are financially motivated, and reviews are from clients, its not an advertising platform for providers, which is why you would jump on and "defend" yourself from a bad review.

I can't imagine a world where a provider says "Yeah, you know I generally rip off clients" in the comments, which means the thread would divulge into back and forth defensive drama, and given what happens here in co-ed (where you know, you can always comment, just like the OP did here) I can't see anything positive from that.

It's a client centered website, thus Escort Client Community Information Exchange, and promoted as a review website. Its one of the few places where back and forth among clients is encouraged and allowed. Skip the games, EM etc. don't allow you to comment on an ad to save your fellow clients some grief

A client's review is their review, if some White Knight or other client wants to chime in with their two cents (and they do, sometimes at the behest of a provider, because I've been asked before), they can.

Seems to be a good system, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Again, co-ed is always open.
Thereallaylalane's Avatar
I understand but, I mean Im not even asking for the ability to comment, Or "defend" my self. I just want to have the ability to see what has been posted about me.
  • cwks
  • 12-16-2023, 03:20 PM
You know what grinds my gears? The fact that Layla is no longer in Wichita! LOL
The only thing I add, is every review I have written has been seen by the provider before posting and in most cases , approved by them; however, the rip of artists do not get that luxury from me.
satan666's Avatar
The only thing I add, is every review I have written has been seen by the provider before posting and in most cases , approved by them; however, the rip of artists do not get that luxury from me. Originally Posted by Lshadow99
good job ding ding you just admitted on the open forum that you're a wk and regularly break forum guidelines!
You must be fun at parties
satan666's Avatar
You must be fun at parties Originally Posted by Guber2113
im a fucking blast actually just have zero tolerance for stupidity!
  • ks2ny
  • 12-18-2023, 02:50 PM
Looking forward to next review with you. It'll be something like "There we were, standing in front of each other, she was biting her lower lip and walking toward me while making a purring sound... next thing I know I'm light headed and she is whispering, are you ready for dance lesson two...." the tango is a workout when done properly
what are you babbling about... i send them a text and show them what I am going to say before i ever post it.. seems pretty civil to me... and I am never dishonest about anything I say
satan666's Avatar
what are you babbling about... i send them a text and show them what I am going to say before i ever post it.. seems pretty civil to me... and I am never dishonest about anything I say Originally Posted by Lshadow99
im blabbing about forum guideline number 19 to be exact its a violation on this guideline to show private ros information to the provider!

Thereallaylalane's Avatar
Jeez, sound like the kid who would remind the teacher about the homework no one else did but she almost forgot about it.
satan666's Avatar
whatevs idc what ya'll think if any of you think wk'ing for these girls will get you anywhere you're dead wrong because they sure wont for you but carry on im out the hobby sucks now and anyone who will wk for a girl will also show her anything else she wants including throwing anyone of us mongers under the bus for her guess you two are cut from the same cloth if you find that acceptable!