Has the time arrived to give Providers some small control over their reviews?

Before anyone gets the wrong impression about this thread, let me tell you upfront that this is simply an idea that I thought would be nice to discuss and let the membership here tear it apart. This is something I had thought about, forgot the idea, then found myself with too much time on my hands, remembered again, and this late at night, it doesn't seem too ridiculous. I may think differently tomorrow.

This is an idea mainly for the Independent Providers forum. I have not had the opportunity to share it with anyone so please find as many flaws as you can, suggest alternatives, perhaps a simpler and more elegant solution, or just flat out say if you think I have lost my mind.

The main purpose of Reviews is for guys to share their experiences with other guys on the board. There are flaws with the system and I will not attempt to address them here. We all know it isn't a perfect system but each one of us by doing research can find useful information upon which to choose which ladies we'd enjoy spending time with. In case that you haven't noticed, our research just got a little easier with the new feature that adds the reviews to the Providers profiles. Thank you ECCIE programmer. Also, as you click to view a review on the forums, you scroll to the bottom of the page, and there is a link to the provider's profile, which you can click to access all of her other reviews.

When a review gets posted, there is no telling how much attention it will get in the form of replies. I would estimate that over half or reviews fall to the second or third page after 24 hrs from their posting. Some of them have a longer lifespan on the front page and a few will catch fire and stay at the top of the forum much longer. If a review catches on fire, it can be a huge boost in business to a Provider if things stay positive; when they don't, it can really hurt the income for the lady.

I am not advocating that we protect scammers or providers offering shitty sessions thinking that they will get away with it. If we do that, there would be no use for this site. What I am offering people should consider is, how long should a provider be exposed to the scrutiny on a review after most of the activity of replies has subsided?

Let's take an imaginary provider, working under the alias Cándida Eréndira. She is a VP on ECCIE, is popular and has plenty of reviews. She has a personal website and advertises in many other venues but mainly uses her ECCIE reviews to post ads elsewhere. When you look at her profile, this is what her review tab looks like:

(Note: I had fun with the hobbyists handles and left my handle as the tiny guy among giants ha. Sorry, I couldn't resist)

Under the current forum rules, the restrictions with regards to bumping reviews is that if it is over 30 days old, it should be left alone. The average user will respect that but we see many instances where OLD reviews get bumped to the top of the forum. Sometimes it is a harmless reply. Other times it has malicious content on it that people can't verify whether it is authentic or not. So the question is, how long should a Provider be exposed to have an overall positive review ruined by a guy who decided to join the party a little too late, chose not to write his own review, and decided to post to an overall positive review? Btw, if they implement an automatic review locking feature after 30 days, the rest of this post is a moot point.

Let's assume that our Cándida Eréndira here picks some solid reviews to link to her website and p411. A guy who hasn't seen her decides to add his opinion and starts a shit-storm and in no time, a good glowing review turns into an ugly mess. Cándida Eréndira is unaware of the drama now taking place on her review. She is busy taking care of her clients and making them happy. She picked older reviews to use to advertise "feeling" it would be safe to do so. She can't monitor her reviews all of the time and focus on her clients. Now, her website and p411 page where she linked the review at the top are working against her because two or three guys who wanted to see her that week, decided to take a pass based on that review.

We can come up with reasons to dismiss this possibility and it is easy to do so since it is not our income that just went up in smoke. If we attempt to evaluate this possibility with fairness, we can at least see how unlimited time to keep reviews open for comments can cause the ladies to lose significant income.

Click trigger to lock thread.
My idea is as follows. Let's say our imaginary provider here gets a review of her posted. Guys read them, offer their comments and share info. The review stays on the first page for one day and then it falls to the second page and beyond. Up to this point things are no different that the way the site operates. But let's say that now Cándida Eréndira has additional tools listed on her review tab, that allow her after certain period and requirements to click on an icon to lock her thread. She would be the only one ( provided she is truly independent ) that could execute that function. Her review tab would now look like this:

When the review gets added to her profile, it now has the icon of a gun. The gun represents the trigger function. When first posted, the icon is pink and it does nothing. The text next to it let's the provider know that it isn't available.After a time period has passed, let's say 8 days for example, the icon turns black and now it works. If the provider clicks on the black gun, the software closes the thread to any further replies and the icon switches to a padlock, representing the status of the review. From the view of the review tab of our fictitious lady, she has seven secured reviews on the first page. She can now safely choose one of them if she is so inclined. She can also choose to lock the other two reviews and her most recent one hasn't been open long enough and therefore she can't do anything with it. Guys can reply to thei hearts content and exchange information as they please.

All of her reviews, good and bad are assigned to her, so the research material is all there. For older reviews, guys can PM the Op to get more intel.

How long of a period should transpire before the lady can lock her reviews is obviously something that should be discussed, only if people find this idea to have some merit.

It is late and I don't want to add much more at this time. I'd like for people to offer their criticism and maybe better solutions. The principle is not about surrendering posting privileges or discussions of services. That should remain intact. The idea is to offer a way for the providers to have a way to limit indefinite exposure after a review is first posted. Yes the reviews are mainly for the guys but if you post some, you know you are advertising for her, and you know she'll use it to get more business. Not being able to bump after certain time, may also encourage some guys to post more reviews, though I am not holding my breath on that one.

Thanks for reading,


P.S. I chose the a gun to represent the trigger ladies. What can I say, I like movies with machine guns and exploding helicopters. You all can choose your own icons.
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As soon as she saw a review she didn't like she'd most likely go out of her way to get rid of it or have someone get rid of it. The same effort could be applied to good service to minimize the likelihood of a bad review. If someone wants to jump on one of her good reviews and spout off bad things, her reputation as a good provider should still prevail.

They have 'control' of their reviews, which is by making the best effort to be a quality provider.
or just flat out say if you think I have lost my mind. Originally Posted by Matador
How many times have we seen the Flavor of the Month Flake out
and do all kinds of crazy stuff after a certain time frame?

Answer = NO

No way dude!!
TinMan's Avatar
Instead of going to all that trouble, why not just automatically lock all reviews after 30 days? A lady can simply check the linked reviews after it is locked and if the thread took a negative turn a few weeks after the review was posted she can simply drop it from her ad.

Btw, if it wasn't obvious I'm a "no" vote as well.
Rambro, thanks for the opinion. I am trying to follow your thoughts here and don't quite get how the part of "getting rid of it" fits into this.

How many times have we seen the Flavor of the Month Flake out
and do all kinds of crazy stuff after a certain time frame?

Answer = NO

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Ah CG, my man. You bring up a very valid point. A lot of flavors of the month flake out, or find out that this profession is not for them early on. I can think of at least one guy recently who read mixed reviews of a new girl, decided to ignore the bad ones and visit with her. He got a bad session, per his review and posts, and got pissed about the good reviews. He even called BS on someone's review of this girl. A bad approach imo. Yet the two reviews were close enough where those posts would not be affected under what I suggested.

Originally posted by TinMan
Instead of going to all that trouble, why not just automatically lock all reviews after 30 days? A lady can simply check the linked reviews after it is locked and if the thread took a negative turn a few weeks after the review was posted she can simply drop it from her ad.

Btw, if it wasn't obvious I'm a "no" vote as well.
Btw, if they implement an automatic review locking feature after 30 days, the rest of this post is a moot point. Originally Posted by Matador
Yes TinMan, that would be the simple solution. What can I say? I felt like taking a pulse on what people's thoughts are on this. Throwing a much shorter lifespan for reviews out there as an example, is likely to get more opinions from those who read it.

Edit to add: Along with the ladies actually having some minor controls after the posting flurries have died down.

Txh64's Avatar
  • Txh64
  • 11-04-2010, 07:49 AM
Instead of going to all that trouble, why not just automatically lock all reviews after 30 days? A lady can simply check the linked reviews after it is locked and if the thread took a negative turn a few weeks after the review was posted she can simply drop it from her ad.

Btw, if it wasn't obvious I'm a "no" vote as well. Originally Posted by TinMan
Adding an automatic 30-day lock on all review postings has my vote.

Adding a pick and chose option has a no vote from me.

Just my $0.02.
daltxm4f's Avatar
First off thank you Matador for being up until 3am writing this well thought out idea. I can see you put a lot of time into it and it is much appreciated.

It is a lot of information to take in and absorb.

The 30 day lock seems the easiest thing to implement for all parties and would be my first choice for implementing.

However I like your idea if the 30 day lock can not or will not be implemented. What is the point of reviews being left open for infinity? I can not see a logical reason to do so.

The review should stand on its own. If someone has more to add after a certain time period then post your own review. Providers are told that if they want to reply to a review, or give their opinion on it, then post in coed. Why can't the hobbyist just do the same after review is locked?

So I think either solution is fair and balanced so all parties.
Pistolero's Avatar
As far as I know, you have mods reading all reviews and answers. The easiest plan, in my mind, would be for the mod to look at the date. If the reply was over 30 days from the last post, then delete the post and lock the thread. No programing needed and an easy fix to a seldom seen problem.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 11-04-2010, 09:38 AM
I like the auto lock too.
In fact, I'd make it shorter than 30 days, say 2 weeks.
If someone has a different experience and wants to post, he should write his own review or alert of the provider rather than going into an old review and starting crap in there.
Bobster36's Avatar
+1...I like the 2 week rule.

I like the auto lock too.
In fact, I'd make it shorter than 30 days, say 2 weeks.
If someone has a different experience and wants to post, he should write his own review or alert of the provider rather than going into an old review and starting crap in there. Originally Posted by riday
TheBizzer's Avatar
I'm a little confused as to why everybody seems to support the idea of reviews auto locking or even mods manually locking after 30 days, but are opposed to providers doing so. What's the difference?