Question for the Men (ladies, feel free to comment also)

I read a lot of posts where our beautiful ladies spend a lot of time getting ready for a session: Showering, makeup just right, sexy clothes. etc. etc. (An I'm sure that most of you guys really appreciate the effort they go through to look great for us).

But what about the guys? What efforts do you go through to be at your best for the ladies?

(I know, go ahead. I'm ready for the flamethrower comments and the silly/sarcastic ones.).

Personally, I take a good long shower to make sure I'm as clean as possible, shave, trim and file fingernails/toenails, make sure I'm dressed decently, etc. I also make sure I get plenty of rest before the session so that I'm as physically ready as possible. Is there anything else you guys do?

In my opinion, even though we are the ones paying, we are in such an intimate hobby that putting out our best preparatory efforts at least should (in theory) make the time spent in the session more enjoyable for both parties (or for all parties in those more adventurous encounters...)

Input from both guys and gals, (and even Pyramider !!! ) is appreciated...
TheEccie214's Avatar
Same as you but I’ll add stop at the ATM
Wells Bentley's Avatar
I am always freshly showered, shaved and as fresh as I can be to my visitors.
Same as you but I’ll add stop at the ATM Originally Posted by TheEccie214
I think that part goes without saying...or its going to be a VERY short encounter that does not end well.
Oops! I forgot to add, thorough teeth flossing and brushing and using mouthwash. My bad...
casey_carlin's Avatar
It’s always appreciated when time is taken on hygiene. We might not always tell you but we notice.

pmdelites's Avatar
NO on the flossing prior to your appt.
unless you are NOT going to perform cunnilingus. flossing can open up your gums/pockets and let all kinds of stuff in.

lightly brush and use anti-septic oral rinse (contains cetylpyridinium).
NO on the flossing prior to your appt.
unless you are NOT going to perform cunnilingus. flossing can open up your gums/pockets and let all kinds of stuff in.

lightly brush and use anti-septic oral rinse (contains cetylpyridinium). Originally Posted by pmdelites
I did not know this. It's good to know. Perhaps flossing a few hours before the encounter would be okay?

BTW, I met a cunning linguist once. She knew all the right things to say, but she sure was sneaky...

noober's Avatar
I always shower prior unless I'm coming straight out of work then I'll shower at there place 1st thing. And i always place donation down 1st that way providers will feel at ease.
suiram77's Avatar
I stop at the bank and get her donation in all ones, that way, why she is counting it, I’m making my next appointment with another provider lol.
I stop at the bank and get her donation in all ones, that way, why she is counting it, I’m making my next appointment with another provider lol. Originally Posted by suiram77
I wouldn't actually do it, but there is an evil part of me that would like to see the expression on a provider's face if I brought the donation in all pennies...

But I think I'd wear myself out just carrying them in...

All the usual items already listed - freshly showered, etc. but waxed is 1000% better than shaved!
Ok, I'll be the first to say it. I do all of the things already mentioned and I also make sure I have a little blue pill in case I need it. I'm old.
Ok, I'll be the first to say it. I do all of the things already mentioned and I also make sure I have a little blue pill in case I need it. I'm old. Originally Posted by old_hippie
Funny how the color of one little medication has totally changed the meaning of "I've got the blues"...
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
It's been pretty rare in my experience for a woman to dress to impress. Most seem to figure the clothes are coming off soon anyway, so why bother -- if it;s good enough for Walmart, it's good enough for a client. I've also found, usually, that familiarity breeds contempt -- the quality of dress and appearance is inversely related to the number of times you've seen her.. BellaFtWorth, who always dressed like she actually cared what I thought about her, was the exception, and a few former studio girls usually seemed to be able to find dresses that both looked good and allowed for easy exit and reentry.

But, to the question: If I know a day or two in advance, I shave and trim down there. I shower before I leave if I can. If I can't, well, the hobby bag has a washcloth, and I avail myself of a restroom. It also has mouthwash, baby wipes, and cologne. I have found (on a very few occasions) that being squeaky clean everywhere can yield unexpected rewards.