I had my ad edited in the worst way, what to do?

Two of my photos where a little too naughty for my thread, instead of me taking the photos down "Soulmanike" took upon himself to 'doctor' up my thread, and lets just say, in my opinion it's worst now than it was before,
you can see where pictures where not deleted all the way.

Is ther a way I can edit the thread myself, or can someone else delete the photos that were on there "all the way" so my ad won't look like a retard posted it, honestly the ad reflects on me the most.

I hope you guys look into this matter, good day.
This ad was reported as being a rules violation for showing genitalia. The "Verified Provider" choose to violate board rules by posting such photos. I sent her a pm and a warning and told her I would edit photos. She disagreed with that and thought I was being "prejudiced against her.

As a result, the warning has been reversed and an infraction issued.

a copy was made of the original post. The edited version is here.

Fancyinheels's Avatar
We've all had to bend with the new rules, and whether we agree with them or not is immaterial. Many websites are censoring now. Once those rules are violated, every website has the right to do with the ad what they will, and leaving any part of the post in question up is optional. Most just remove it entirely. Yes, it can be frustrating if you feel that your ad was "chopped up" and doesn't read or look the way you wanted, and I've had that happen different places, too, until I got with the program. (Backpage is horrible with the censoring razor, much, MUCH sharper than ECCIE.) Might be best to just ask for the entire thread to be deleted and start over knowing the TOU, or "terms of usage." The guidelines are posted at the top of the regular and weekend provider advertising sections.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Although....this way you get more publicity.EVERYONE will be going to the ad now.
We've all had to bend with the new rules, and whether we agree with them or not is immaterial. Many websites are censoring now. Once those rules are violated, every website has the right to do with the ad what they will, and leaving any part of the post in question up is optional. Most just remove it entirely. Yes, it can be frustrating if you feel that your ad was "chopped up" and doesn't read or look the way you wanted, and I've had that happen different places, too, until I got with the program. (Backpage is horrible with the censoring razor, much, MUCH sharper than ECCIE.) Might be best to just ask for the entire thread to be deleted and start over knowing the TOU, or "terms of usage." The guidelines are posted at the top of the regular and weekend provider advertising sections. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
You are correct, I would have loved to redo my ad, now it has all the extra crap left from this guys editing, in my opinion the ad is tacky now, my opinion my thread, I was not aware of the guideline and have no problem with it, I have a problem with "others" edit my ad, delete it and I will repost the correct way, but how can I fix a mistake made by the other guy, I don't like pimps/moderators, and I can make my own thread.

But now pimping mad at me and has "Computer slapped" a bitch with threats and infractions, I guess I better stay in pocket, lmhao!

Look at the threats hes sending, I guess since I refused to see black guys I'm the new white devil, I'm Irish, so what?:

Edited by staff: Posting the contents of pm's is against board rules - mojo
Why A Duck?'s Avatar
Ohhhh, snap!
Holi does this every now and then....

she's either on or off her "meds"

Look at the threats hes sending, I guess since I refused to see black guys I'm the new white devil, I'm Irish, so what? Originally Posted by Secretsof2011
something is telling me that he's not bothered by that..
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 06-17-2011, 11:27 AM
This may be my favorite thread ever.
(I don't like popcorn, sue me.)
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
so my ad won't look like a retard posted it. Originally Posted by Secretsof2011

That ship sailed a long time ago ........
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 06-17-2011, 12:05 PM
That ship sailed a long time ago ........ Originally Posted by Brooke Wild

That's what I was thinking when I saw the screwy alphabet in the headline, but geeze girl, I wasn't gonna SAY it!
Mojojo's Avatar
Secret, once you place an ad and a certain amount of time has gone by, your option to edit goes away. There is nothing we as mod's can do to grant you that button back, its just how the software has been developed. Procedures call for us to issue infractions and remove your ad all together. Soulman's intention was just to remove the photo which violated the rule without removing your ad completely so that there is no interference with your business. Perhaps you could've asked him to scrap your ad and let you create a new one rather than jump to conclusions
Additionally your infraction was not racially motivated, had it been me I would've issued you one too (I'm not AA).

In your infraction we suggested you read the rules and sticky's to better understand rules and procedures however with you posting what was received via pm it shows that you clearly have not. Please take a breather then come back and read the forum guidelines with a clear conscious.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
NBA - check
Refers to herself as a "bitch" - check
Runs with a low class crew - check
Posts fake reviews - check
Calls a warning being "slapped" - check
Signs up with male handles to promote their self - check
Travels the country - check
Says stuff like " I guess I better stay in pocket" - check

______________ All this equals PIMP OWNED ____________

The reason you don't see black man cuz is not cuz its a "preference" ..... You don't see black men cuz daddy ain't having it!

But now pimping mad at me and has "Computer slapped" a bitch with threats and infractions, I guess I better stay in pocket, lmhao!

Look at the threats hes sending, I guess since I refused to see black guys I'm the new white devil, I'm Irish, so what?:


I GOT BILLS BIGGER THAN YOU! Originally Posted by Secretsof2011
Mojojo's Avatar
Originally Posted by oilfieldscum

Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 06-17-2011, 12:46 PM
Dammit guys, y'all cut her "rebuttal" out!!!
I was coming back to save that!