Anatomy question

les123's Avatar
So I’ve been seeing this girl for awhile. She’s about 5’6” 120#. I would consider her thin . Very visible hip bones, ribs not visible. She’s 23. I don’t think she’s ever been pregnant. Or at least no signs of it. The question is her breasts. They are c-cups and fairly saggy normally. Thing is last night they were not. I hadn’t seen her in a month but something is up. They were very firm to the touch and I noticed veins for the first time. She did mention to me that her period was due. Would this cause swelling? Did I miss an expertly placed implant? Is she prego? Her stomach is concave, no hiding a bump.
Sounds like hormones from her time of the month. Has happened with my gfs in the past.

Especially if she is NOT on birth control.
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She is not. Also was extra tight. Gathered it might have been a little painful for her even. She still came hard so I’m hoping she still enjoyed it.
BubbaH's Avatar
Yes, it’s from Aunt Flo. Some swell up, some get really pleasure sensitive, some get painful and some get about anything you can think of. It does different things to different tits. I’m no expert, but I’ve got three older sisters, charter member of the FriendZone from Jr high through highschool and did 20 years with an Iowa Busch Lite farm girl who never cared for an orgasm but get 6-8 beers in her and she will talk about tits and pussy with any other female that has a beer in their hand.
I happen to have an ex-gf who refused to go on birth control and her hormones around/during her flow always closely mimicked possible early signs of pregnancy even though we used condoms every time along with her tracking her cycle very closely.

So, the above sounded familiar except she has a child from a previous relationship and would be older than 23.
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I visited with her today. Needed money of course. I didn’t have the balls to ask her what her perception of our last meet was but it was kind of awesome for me. I kind of under shoot the ppm with her and she usually ends up getting the better end of the deal. I think I’ll just block her for a couple of weeks and call when I need her again.