Your 4 th COVID Shot Is Now Available! Hurry!

Show your sex partners how much you care! Get your 4 th COVID shot today. It’s free! Take a selfie of your bandaid on your arm and post it on Facebook. Lots of likes will follow. You’ll be styling walking around with your face diaper, band-aid arm and updated vaccine passport. You’ll be getting in all the popular clubs. Tell your boss and keep your job! Get on that cruise ship! Get access to that restaurant. Travel to restricted countries. Enjoy life to the fullest with the peace of mind of a 4th shot! Take pride in knowing that you are FULLY vaxed and not a threat to your friends and family. Kathy Griiffin got it, and you should to. Don’t be that Neanderthal conspiracy theorist anti vaxer! Get your 4 th shot today for free!
"Neanderthal conspiracy theorist"

Good to see civility is not dead.

Shouldn't this be in the Sandbox with the other Political Discussions?
  • Kaiju
  • 03-29-2022, 04:45 PM
Damn… I’m 4 shots behind!!!
Why are you complaining? There are no vaccine mandates in Texas. Enjoy victory
mrredcat43's Avatar
OP, please don't drink and post on hooker boards.

Oops, too late
pittlicker's Avatar
I don't think it's alcohol talking.
I don't think it's alcohol either.

To imagine what Churchill would have said... "I may be drunk, sir, but I will be sober in the morning. You, however, will still be stupid."

And the Ron White corollary, "You can't fix stupid."

I remain grateful that the death rate due to covid is higher among those who support tRUMP than those who don't. Every cloud has a silver lining.
Those who can’t debate resort to name calling and wishing death on those who disagree with them. It’s classic. Most people can see that. You’re exposing who you really are and that’s good.
"Those who can’t debate resort to name calling ...", like "Neanderthal conspiracy theorist"?

Debates belong in the Sandbox. Vitriol belongs in the sewer.
Glad to see that even as the current admin you support is fucking EVERYTHING up, Orange man bad still keeps you up at night. And not being able to fix stupid was heavily proven by your comment on being happy that people died, bruh. By the way, NOT a fact.

QUOTE=jack_hill;1062797215]I don't think it's alcohol either.

To imagine what Churchill would have said... "I may be drunk, sir, but I will be sober in the morning. You, however, will still be stupid."

And the Ron White corollary, "You can't fix stupid."

I remain grateful that the death rate due to covid is higher among those who support tRUMP than those who don't. Every cloud has a silver lining.[/QUOTE]
Glad to see that even as the current admin you support is fucking EVERYTHING up, Orange man bad still keeps you up at night. And not being able to fix stupid was heavily proven by your comment on being happy that people died, bruh. By the way, NOT a fact.

QUOTE=jack_hill;1062797215]I don't think it's alcohol either.

To imagine what Churchill would have said... "I may be drunk, sir, but I will be sober in the morning. You, however, will still be stupid."

And the Ron White corollary, "You can't fix stupid."

I remain grateful that the death rate due to covid is higher among those who support tRUMP than those who don't. Every cloud has a silver lining. Originally Posted by cantstayaway
To both Cheap Charlie and canstaway....

I beg to differ... it is a fact.

"An ABC News analysis of federal data found that on average, the death rates in states that voted for Trump were more than 38% higher than in states that voted for Biden, post widespread vaccine availability.

In addition, in the 10 states with the lowest percentage of full vaccinations, death rates were almost twice as high as that of states with the highest vaccination rates, the analysis found.

Over the span of the last 10 months, in the 10 states with the lowest vaccination rates, where between 50 and 54.5% of the total population had been fully vaccinated, there was an average of 153 COVID-19-related deaths per 100,000 residents.

In contrast, during the same time period, the 10 states and jurisdictions with the highest vaccination rates, which all voted for Biden, there was an average of about 82.2 related deaths per 100,000 residents."

And I can debate, quite well in fact. I simply refuse to do so with those who don't have the mental capacity.

Also, if you don't mind, please site specific examples of the "EVERYTHING" that the current admin is fucking up. And, whatever you may (erroneously, I might add) think it is, I doubt it will rise to the level of trying to overthrow the result of a free and fair election, attempting a coup, and traitorously remain in power. Not to mention lying, grifting, tax fraud, fraud in general, sexual assault, defaulting on payments to contractors, support of Putin (an enemy of the US), destruction of government property, unauthorized removal of classified documents, and so on and so on.

But again, what does all that matter when the guy supports your homophobic, racist, misogynist, xenophobic word view?
What a windbag. You should broaden your news media consumption. Corporate media all parrot the same democrat party narrative. No matter what state, you have a 99.7% chance of surviving the China cold. Those odds aren't good enough for you? You'd rather take an experimental clot shot instead? That which doth not kill you maketh you stronger. You trust the government and big Pharma and I don't. You will always be the experiment. I'll always be the control. You can never change that. If those Blue states are so great, you should move there. Put your money where your mouth is.
pittlicker's Avatar
ABC, seriously? Why the last 10 months? Simple, it fits the purpose of that study. There is no factual, objective study available for any side. Here is a complete version covering the entire period starting from January 2020.

Countless examples of inaccurate recordings of deaths due to actual Covid. But the point was celebrating the death of ANYONE to the China virus.

If you need someone to point out current admin failures, you definitely need to get out more. Afghanistan, economy, border, foreign policy, I can keep going.

So anyone that doesn't agree with you gets thrown in the buzzword toilet? Racist, misogynist, xenophobic...blah blah blah. You are defending someone that was happy their fellow countrymen died.

That's some hateful ignorance, good luck with that.