Tik-Tok and other hacks

Just a friendly reminder to everyone to make sure you are using different passwords on every site that you use, especially if you are using the same email address to register. Two (2) billion accounts have been downloaded from Tik-Tok and even if half or a third of those were bots that is still a massive amount of user names and passwords that can be tried on other sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and even CitiBank. It also doesn't hurt to check haveibeenpwned.com on a regular basis. Smaller sites that have been hacked do not get reported by the media, however, that site will tell you. I was a member of an amateur poker league site and it got hacked and they never informed their users, however, I found my username and password there.

I hope this was helpful. 😁
People forget that Tik-Tok is owned and run by the Chinese government. They arguably have the largest video database of Americans being Americans. Facebook would probably disagree.

"Hey, I'm going to post a cute video of myself and my kids doing cute things! What could possibly go wrong?"