An escort’s lifestyle consists of daily challenges ranging from scheduling obstacles to unpleasant clients, in addition to normal irritations that are bound to happen to anyone. And, like any other career where you deal with people, a sense of humor is required in order to keep the peace and your sanity. Escorting is a profession that puts you into any number of awkward situations, causes you to have to think on your feet and requires a great deal of patience to get through encounters , little lone an entire day.Read on at the link above. I think the article hits the nail on the head for me. Outside of the physical, a gal with a sense of humor always gets my attention and repeat attention. I've had "awkward encounters" like early on forgetting to bring the envelope in and panicking a little bit. My companion for that hour handled it with grace and humor, but also made sure I knew I had better take care of the situation. Needless to say, I never made that mistake with her, or anyone, else, again. And yes, I continued to see her until she moved out of state.
Any funny stories of awkward situations, hobbyists and providers alike?