Friday the Thirteenth

The Honest Courtesan says Friday the 13th isn't unlucky for sex workers:

She also encourages people to speak out for decriminalization today. Spread the word!
anaximander's Avatar
Nyet to decriminalization.
That's the camel's nose in the tent
for eventual legalization.

I don't want weed or providing legal
in any form. There is no need for either.
Either can be obtained easily.
I enjoy both.

Only careless and dummies get popped.

The only thing being argued for in effect
is for the govt to get a set piece of your
girls action.

Once the govt recognizes you then
your problems really roll in.
If they decriminalize it they will move
to regulate it- tell you what and how
to run your business.

This would fall under the sin tax catch all.
Politicians not in support of deep taxing
of working girls would be smeared as bad
or worse than a pol looking to chop
tobacco taxes. With tobacco the pol would
be accused of making it easier for kids
to get hooked. Lord knows how beat up
he would get over hooker taxes.

You can not legislate cultural mores.
It takes decades for them to form.
Even if some gang of pols did what you
desire; society is not ready or willing.
The pols would get buried.
The girls would now be exposed.

This has all the hallmarks of mao's
cultural revolution- let a thousand flowers bloom
It was a set up to draw out dissadents.
Once out in the open......
they were eliminated.

Given the closet maoist in the White House
is aiming for a police state.
I'd stay away from this as far as possible.
Historically, Friday the 13th was the day that many of the Knights Templar were burned at the stake. It obviously was an unlucky day for their butts.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
As long as I am not harming another person's right to life, liberty or property, the government should have no say in what I do. If I want to give money to a lady, and she shows her appreciation by having sex with me, why should that be illegal? It's stupid.

It's Friday the 13th!! Let's Legalize Freedom! Patronize Your Favorite Provider!
So this guy lucked out today:

Oh yeah I totally always forget about friday the 13th, if anything it is my goodluck day.
So far I haven't fallen down, stubbed a toe, knocked a client off a's all good luck today