Hungry in Mobile

What are some amazing places to eat in downtown Mobile?? I love food and plan on getting a taste of mobile
Wintzel's downtown is good, Felix's on the Causeway, there are several good options... especially if you like seafood
Thank you
Chandlerjo850's Avatar
Noja and squid ink are both good as well
I would definitely go for raw oysters and Gumbo at Wintzell's, but I was raised not to eat raw oysters in months with no "r", ie June, July, and August...
eccieuser13's Avatar
Felix's is one of my favorite places in Mobile. And you might see an alligator.
Noble house and the Biergarten downtown are really good. Squid Ink as mentioned is also great
How about a sausage at my place ? ��
She's in New Orleans now ... She's got all kinds of places to go