Would you consider this fishy?

memdal's Avatar
I always have my senses activated for anything that might be out of the norm when looking for an appointment. Here is one that has me thinking … would you consider this suspicious or am I too paranoid?

A young lady who is verified and has good reviews posts here and on other legitimate sites that she is going to be in town for a couple days. She also posts a quick link on BP. Then … a couple days after her scheduled visit to town a new BP ad runs saying “last day here, catch me before I leave.” Meanwhile, no new update on schedule has appeared on this site or other verified sites about a change in dates or an extended visit.

My fear is that in such a situation a girl has been in town, got trapped by LEO and then is helping them catch hobbyists. Am I being paranoid? Just such a situation (posting) happened yesterday and I didn’t try to book anything.

Ladies -- do you always make sure your various schedule listings are all up-to-date and match?

Guys – does this scenario described above bother you, or am I too paranoid?
I think you are being reasonably cautious...


Paranoia makes a good hobbyist.

Paranoia and the hobby make good bed fellows.

I could probably throw out some more, but you get the picture.

Goes both ways, ladies should trust their gut, when the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, look for a safe exit.
Sounds like you are being safe. Good job.

On the other hand, any alerts on her, has she logged in on this site, maybe P411.

Us providers can be unpredictable at times. Maybe she never made it to your city when she said she was and came later.

Sometimes we cut a trip short, extended a trip last minute.....you never know.
memdal's Avatar
Sounds like you are being safe. Good job.

On the other hand, any alerts on her, has she logged in on this site, maybe P411.

Us providers can be unpredictable at times. Maybe she never made it to your city when she said she was and came later.

Sometimes we cut a trip short, extended a trip last minute.....you never know. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
That is kind my point. If a provider has access to log on and post another ad on something like BP, should we also expect she has time to update her schedule and repost on this site or 411 or D-C? Is that expectng too much?
maybe she just wasn't getting any bookings anywhere so she figured bp is easiest you never know
Maybe she was overwhelmed with business.

No you are not expecting to much. I can only speak for myself though.
burkalini's Avatar
I agree we ought to very cautious and if you feel uneasy about any date you should not go but in this case alot of providers run the last day ad as a matter of course. I have seen this many times on providers that I have seen. I don't think this is unusual or something that looks like LE
whitechocolate's Avatar
You are being cautious which is good but, as has been noted, gals aren't always deligent in making changes to their schedule clear. Assuming something sinister is probably being a bit too paranoid. When in doubt, avoid the situation.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Trust your instincts, that is how we evolved. I don't know if I would be alarmed by that scenario, but if you are then walk away. The one time I didn't walk away was my worst Hobby experience.
Always go with your gut, paranoid or not it can keep you safe. If it doesn't seem right then it probably isn't.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
In that scenario above, I would assume the lady had all the business she wanted and didn't feel it necessary to update anything. Business started to slow down near the end of her time there and she posted again on BP to catch a few stragglers. Why she wouldn't update here on Eccie is easily explained in that she can only post one ad per 7 day period. (No idea how long she was in your city though) On BP a lady can post as often as she can pay for.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
In that scenario above, I would assume the lady had all the business she wanted and didn't feel it necessary to update anything. Business started to slow down near the end of her time there and she posted again on BP to catch a few stragglers. Why she wouldn't update here on Eccie is easily explained in that she can only post one ad per 7 day period. (No idea how long she was in your city though) On BP a lady can post as often as she can pay for. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

I agree.

I dont think, in this hobby, you can be paranoid enough. But in this particular scenario, I dont think there was a cause for concern at all.

DallasRain's Avatar
trust your instincts and you will always have fun!
I think you're a little paranoid but you can never be too cautious.
I definitely wouldn't help LE in this case. EVER.