Putin, Biden, and Trump

VitaMan's Avatar
Biden: "Putin needs to be removed from office."

Trump: "Putin is a genius. It's wonderful how he is taking eastern Ukraine provinces first."

Not to mention 17 secret meetings between Trump and Putin. Trump destroyed all the meeting notes.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Biden: "Putin needs to be removed from office."

Trump: "Putin is a genius. It's wonderful how he is taking eastern Ukraine provinces first."

Not to mention 17 secret meetings between Trump and Putin. Trump destroyed all the meeting notes. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Trump didn't meet with Putin 17 times. you are confused as usual. you are unworthy of knowing what Lord Trump said to Putin. it's above your pay-grade.
VitaMan's Avatar
It might have been 16.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
VM are you really republican?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It might have been 16. Originally Posted by VitaMan

still wrong. and not even close. where do you get this nonsense? CNN?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
How feeble the mind of the derangement syndrome sufferer. Nobody is buying your lies. Trump, Biden, or Putin sneaking out 17 or even 10 tens is impossible. The only meeting that counts so far is "I can be more flexible after the election" Obama. We've never really knew, about what? Something to do with Biden maybe?
... Maybe the loss surely means the phone calls.

Obviously, there'd be transcripts of the phone calls
between PRESIDENT Trump and Putin.

IF there's a problem - WHY aint anybody saying so??

The last time they did - Trump quickly showed the
PERFECT phone call with Ukraine.

Hmmm... Wonder where the OBama "Ukraine phone calls" are.
And IF OBama gave the ok for them to construct BIO-Labs.

### Salty
Biden: "Putin needs to be removed from office."

Trump: "Putin is a genius. It's wonderful how he is taking eastern Ukraine provinces first."

Not to mention 17 secret meetings between Trump and Putin. Trump destroyed all the meeting notes. Originally Posted by VitaMan
I agree, Putin should be removed from Office. But Biden needs to go too. Oh, by the way who found out about these so called "Secret Meetings" between Trump and Putin? Who says he destroyed notes to that meeting? Besides if Trump took down notes who else read them and can verify they were destroyed? You should write for CNN. They would love some of the shit you come up with, lol.
VitaMan's Avatar
VM are you really republican? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

The way the GOP has laid down for Trump since 2016 has just been pathetic. The Republicans barely have a party anymore.

If Republicans had stood up to Trump, there would have been a different candidate, and Biden would never have become President. All the Republicans and Biden bashers need to look at themselves in the mirror. They are responsible for all the current problems.

There used to be Ronald Reagan and George Bush 41.....decent, honorable, steadfast. Now only slimy Trump..

There were 16 meetings. No phone calls. And Trump destroyed all the interpreter notes from the meetings. Total slime ball kissing Putin's ass.

### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
That's your problem all along.

Can't believe there was no MASSIVE election fraud.
Can't believe there was no FBI plant leading the Trumpites to attack the US Capitol
Can' believe Trump banged and paid off Stormy (a NDA and a payment for nothing ?)
Can't believe Trump lied when he said he graduated #1 in his class

So many, many more

Trump has completely blinded you
Jacuzzme's Avatar
There wouldn’t be a war if Trump was in office. Biden supporters are directly responsible for the blood flowing on the streets of Ukraine.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The way the GOP has laid down for Trump since 2016 has just been pathetic. The Republicans barely have a party anymore.

If Republicans had stood up to Trump, there would have been a different candidate, and Biden would never have become President. All the Republicans and Biden bashers need to look at themselves in the mirror. They are responsible for all the current problems.

There used to be Ronald Reagan and George Bush 41.....decent, honorable, steadfast. Now only slimy Trump..

There were 16 meetings. No phone calls. And Trump destroyed all the interpreter notes from the meetings. Total slime ball kissing Putin's ass. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Reagan? I recall when Reagan ran for president. The democrats said that he was senile, out of touch, weak, a cowboy, no experience, and an actor.
Bush 41: I remember what they said about him as well. Part of the establishment, out of touch, dumb, an elitist, a man who couldn't run an oil company, and a wimp.

Wow! YOu're just going to keep lying and lying about those meetings. Will someone get this man his medication and put him to bed.
That's your problem all along.

Can't believe there was no MASSIVE election fraud.
Can't believe there was no FBI plant leading the Trumpites to attack the US Capitol
Can' believe Trump banged and paid off Stormy (a NDA and a payment for nothing ?)
Can't believe Trump lied when he said he graduated #1 in his class

So many, many more

Trump has completely blinded you Originally Posted by VitaMan

### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
Look it up for yourself.

Pulling another barley