"I think we already have quite a serious issue with gerontocracy, where the leaders of so many countries are extremely old,"

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-27-2022, 05:29 PM
I agree.

That is one reason I would be against Trump running again.

I am now 75 and in pretty good shape, but I will be the first to admit than I am not getting old, I am already old.
Hard to argue with that...

https://www.businessinsider.com/elon...tocracy-2022-3 Originally Posted by WTF
No, can't argue with that. Other than Trudeau he's rather young he looks like he's no more than about 50.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
How old did you say Biden is? Well... at least our Constitution puts the minimum age at 35 - which was really old at the time. Maybe there's a reason for that. Let's consider some examples:
  • Truedope in Canada
  • Macron in France
  • Zelenky in the Russian Provence formerly known as Ukraine
is this thread about oil production too, or just gas?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-28-2022, 07:02 AM
How old did you say Biden is? Well... at least our Constitution puts the minimum age at 35 - which was really old at the time. Maybe there's a reason for that. Let's consider some examples:
  • Truedope in Canada
  • Macron in France
  • Zelenky in the Russian Provence formerly known as Ukraine
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
35 was not old at the time.

You're confusing old with life expectancy.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The smartest, most interesting people I know are past 75. Not so sure if they could work 16 hour days like Trump did, but most could certainly make it past bidens bedtime at 3pm.
The smartest, most interesting people I know are past 75. Not so sure if they could work 16 hour days like Trump did, but most could certainly make it past bidens bedtime at 3pm. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I am 75. Most of the ladies who I have seen me can attest that I am probably in a heck of a lot better shape than Biden.

But doubt I could hack it as President.
trump turned over a vibrant growing country

with a great economy, rebuilding our manufacturing, increasing working peoples wages, the best black employment rates in history, no inflation, an energy policy that worked

a border increasingly under control

great foreign policy, addressing the china problem, holding russia in place, building up our military, re-engaging the europeans in nato, sternly warning them of falling into russia's clutches concerning energy, willing to meet north korea, getting us out of the terrible obama/kerry iran nuclear deal, dealing with the dimocrat climate change disastrous policies, not getting us into any foreign war

a respect for law and order

operation warp speed- providing cuomo with the respirators and hospitals he cried for and didnt use

a respect for our common history and foundational principles

a calm and prosperous nation

despite the lies and constant attacks of the dimocrats and riots of the dimocrats and the lies of their news media and their minions imbedded in government agencies - a country at peace except for the 30 percent of haters and rioters and destroyers and liars

in short, an america headed in the right direction

biden took all that over and in one year, look where we are

in short, an america headed in the wrong direction on almost every front

biden's handlers marry ideology and incompetence with a vengeance akin to that of an apprentice sadist on his wedding night

so its not age, per se

its much more belief and leadership and ideas and truth and surrounding yourself with people without hidden agendas and being president of the united states first and foremost