Beware of Lilly 80 dollars special

Hey guys just be warned that unless you want to spend 80 dollars on a girl that doesn't look like the pics she is posting on BP, and get a 80 dollar special HJ with a condom! with no other touching, no other part of you body toched, them go and see her, unbelievable! very lame attitude, hardly smiling, couldn't figure if it was because she was tired, bored or because she thinks she is too much for you, just stay away from her!!!
check her "Oasis special ad" on BP
malwoody's Avatar
Hey guys just be warned that unless you want to spend 80 dollars on a girl that doesn't look like the pics she is posting on BP, and get a 80 dollar special HJ with a condom! with no other touching, no other part of you body toched, them go and see her, unbelievable! very lame attitude, hardly smiling, couldn't figure if it was because she was tired, bored or because she thinks she is too much for you, just stay away from her!!!
check her "Oasis special ad" on BP Originally Posted by voyeur2011

OMG man, it reminds me of the time I bought a Rolex on the street in NYC... for twelve dollars. I got screwed too.. Jeez, eighty bucks, what the hell did you expect? The Pitch aka Backpage is alive and well.
OMG man, it reminds me of the time I bought a Rolex on the street in NYC... for twelve dollars. I got screwed too.. Jeez, eighty bucks, what the hell did you expect? The Pitch aka Backpage is alive and well. Originally Posted by malwoody
I concur...What did you expect for $80.
mojoworkin's Avatar
I concur...What did you expect for $80. Originally Posted by topnotchmassage

Maybe he expected the pictures to be real. Maybe he expected more than a covered HJ. Maybe he expected her to act like she gives a damn. Many providers offer low rates for 15-20 minute sessions. And many give good service for those prices. You shouldn't expect a shitty experience just because the price is low.

That being said, a little research never hurts. Providers with no history and no reviews are often a roll of the dice.
I concur...What did you expect for $80. Originally Posted by topnotchmassage
Presumably, the purpose of the $80 special (other than to get $80) is to create a relationship with a customer you might not have seen otherwise, in hopes of getting some repeat business at a higher rate in the future. Providers shouldn't make offers like that if they don't intend to provide good service. I would expect good service for a reduced amount of time. As it stands, she has $80 and a significantly reduced likelihood of getting much more business from the ECCIE community, if that matters.
This is what happens when you let the little head do ALL the thinking and you do no type of research.

Had you at least did a search of the phone number on yahoo, it would've showed that the number shows up in ads for not only her name, but Angel and Asia. It also shows ads in numerous different states and guess what......different pictures.;_ylt=...&pstart=3&b=11

I'm sorry, but for 80 bucks what did you honestly expect? I know what Mojo said, but c'mon.
malwoody's Avatar
I'm sorry, but for 80 bucks what did you honestly expect? I know what Mojo said, but c'mon. Originally Posted by MsElena


With respect to what Mojo posted, it would be the same as me actually
expecting a Rolex for twelve dollars. One would have better luck cruising
Indep ave or Troost and not really have to do any
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 07-23-2011, 10:53 AM
What's with all the attitude here? The guy tried to alert everyone to a problem girl and he catches flack. Looks like he's a newbie. I think we tend to forget all of us started fresh at one time and we all made mistakes.
malwoody's Avatar
What's with all the attitude here? The guy tried to alert everyone to a problem girl and he catches flack. Looks like he's a newbie. I think we tend to forget all of us started fresh at one time and we all made mistakes. Originally Posted by jan-w
Yes we were all newbies, I meant no disrespect but rather I was imparting my own brand of reality therepy. Sorry if it offended you but I was calling into question his choice and I was not attacking him personally.

Not that I would ever go there but thanks for the warning.

I'm still looking for the small dick discount...
What's with all the attitude here? The guy tried to alert everyone to a problem girl and he catches flack. Looks like he's a newbie. I think we tend to forget all of us started fresh at one time and we all made mistakes. Originally Posted by jan-w
I don't believe anyone was giving him 'flack'...People were calling it as they see it.
He is complaining about a condom wrapped HJ....for $80...Who wants to catch an STD for $80?...
I do a legit massage for 75 an hour...He is lucky for a HJ at that rate.
and I am not attacking him personally, either...but as you read above...reality check!
Everyone has to start somewhere...
Unfortunately I think voyeur2011 learned his lesson the hard way.
I'm not giving him attitude, but I'm sure he has been reading the board since before he joined over 10 days ago.

He had a chance to walk away from the situation, but he choose to stay. I don't feel sorry for guys who choose to stay when its made clear to them that they're not going to get what they want.

He could've thrown down 20 bucks and said, "Thanks, but no thanks. Here's 20 for your time. Bye."

Before any of you throw the "maybe she had a pimp with her or her boyfriend was close, etc, etc, etc.," like some of you usually do when I say that, he didn't mention being in any type of danger, so he could've left.
Omahan's Avatar
Looks like a troll to me and I would be checking for multiple accounts.
Seomon's Avatar
@Topnotch, Malwoody and MsElena: Price should not determine good or bad service. If I go to taco bell, they better treat me just as well as I am treated at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. If they lick my balls at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, they damn well better do it at Taco Bell (unfortunately, never had my balls licked at either place)!!! Now if he said, he expected filet mignon at taco bell, maybe you dude (and dudettes) might have a beef, but I am guessing this guy just wanted a simple HJ... AN HJ for God's sake!!! Do it right and it doesn't even take five minutes for the person to be happy... throw in a few 'oh babies' for effect and viola! Geez... Cut the guy a break! He got bad service and wanted others to know...

@ Voyeur - that being said, it would have been better to post this info in a review.

@MsElena You gotta point. He should've left but unfortunately men find it difficult to take over when the little head is involved... and as for giving her $20 for her time... I don't know about that... if she CLEARLY misrepresented, I have no problem walking out and leaving nothing, just like when I get shitty service at a restaurant - I don't tip a damned thing and dare them to call me out about it...

@Topnotch - you really can catch an STD from a handjob??? I never got to that part in Sex Ed class. Wow... and you have people on here talking about BBBJ and DATY uncovered... hmmm... and then come to think of it, it's almost like you're saying the risk of an STD (which I hear they are calling them STIs now) is worth it for the right price???? Hmmmm.... Just saying. By the by, you look INCREDIBLY HOT, and I'll have to look into your massage services.