Eating my words...

It has been brought to my attention that I was not completely informed correctly regarding an issue being discussed in another thread...I wanted to apologize to anyone I offended while trying to defend someone else(blindly)...
*Hugs to all*
Eating my words... Originally Posted by topnotchmassage
Nice of you to say, Christine...

Just for the record, though, if I hear you say "pussy", I'm eating your words, too...
Nice of you to say, Christine...

Just for the record, though, if I hear you say "pussy", I'm eating your words, too... Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
Nice one
perpetualdesign's Avatar
"Informed correctly"? How do you know you are being "informed correctly" now?
"Blindly"? Your own experiences are the one thing you can be sure are true.
dirty dog's Avatar
"Informed correctly"? How do you know you are being "informed correctly" now?
"Blindly"? Your own experiences are the one thing you can be sure are true. Originally Posted by perpetualdesign
I agree, if you have never had a problem with a certain person, how can someone else point out how you should feel about that person.
Anyone who has met me knows that I am strong minded/willed enough to not let any one person decide how I should feel about a person.(other than myself)

This post was not meant as an attack...only an apology to anyone else I had offended.
I don't have time/energy for drama.
so, Unless you know the circumstances...I would prefer no more negative posts in reply. TY.
dirty dog's Avatar
I am just going to say this, I know whats going on, I know the names of those involved in the back channel assassination, I know who or should I say whom as in plural KC1 is, some whom I like and they know who that is and some I cant stand, but if ANY hobbyist is outted to his family I am going to discuss this with t-bone and the mods. If you dont like a hobbyist then no service list him among yourselves. If you want to call me an asshole, thats cool, cause I am one, if you want to dance with me, cool I can do that too, but if you want to test my resolve or "balls" you will lose. I may fuck with people on this board, argue with them, call them names but to try and ruin someones life is not acceptible.
How is it considered a "back channel assassination" if the person admits to the wrong doing and its in writing/texts/phone calls? Especially if the person who has been doing wrong has committed that wrong to numerous people and they all tell the same story.

Are they all lying? If so, why did they all disappear from the board, leave the hobby and are afraid of the guy? Is it just a coincidence?

There are a few well known ladies who have been wronged and they tell the same damn stories too.

Guess the providers are just lyin ho's now huh?
I am just going to say this, I know whats going on, I know the names of those involved in the back channel assassination, I know who or should I say whom as in plural KC1 is, some whom I like and they know who that is and some I cant stand, but if ANY hobbyist is outted to his family I am going to discuss this with t-bone and the mods. If you dont like a hobbyist then no service list him among yourselves. If you want to call me an asshole, thats cool, cause I am one, if you want to dance with me, cool I can do that too, but if you want to test my resolve or "balls" you will lose. I may fuck with people on this board, argue with them, call them names but to try and ruin someones life is not acceptible. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I have Never threatened to out WTF?
dirty dog's Avatar
How is it considered a "back channel assassination" if the person admits to the wrong doing and its in writing/texts/phone calls? Especially if the person who has been doing wrong has committed that wrong to numerous people and they all tell the same story.

Are they all lying? If so, why did they all disappear from the board, leave the hobby and are afraid of the guy? Is it just a coincidence?

There are a few well known ladies who have been wronged and they tell the same damn stories too.

Guess the providers are just lyin ho's now huh? Originally Posted by MsElena
Elena you know I like you, and if you have a problem with someone deal with it, but I have to become concerned when private information is leaked as well as threats to out information to family. I did not say anyone was lying and as I have outlined I dont care what is done short of the outing of information. I am not taking anyone side other than my concern with outting information. Maybe its how I was raised, the life I lead I dont know, but to me that would be the ultimate breach.
dirty dog's Avatar
I have Never threatened to out WTF? Originally Posted by topnotchmassage
No but when you sided with your friends you assumed their guilt.
No but when you sided with your friends you assumed their guilt. Originally Posted by dirty dog
If you say so.
For the record, I have never and never would think it okay to out a client.
I am much more professional than that...and Guess what...I would never want to screw someone like that because believe it or not, I care about people.
malwoody's Avatar
but I have to become concerned when private information is leaked as well as threats to out information to family. I did not say anyone was lying and as I have outlined I dont care what is done short of the outing of information. I am not taking anyone side other than my concern with outting information. Maybe its how I was raised, the life I lead I dont know, but to me that would be the ultimate breach. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I'm glad you have the nads to say what you said. The fact that personnal info was posted is very very uncool. Sooner or later if we are in the lifestyle long enough conflicts arise but outting someone because we don't like them or the way they conduct themselves goes against any and every accepted protocol. I cannot make myself understand why anyone would do such a thing.
dirty dog's Avatar
For the record, I have and never would think it okay to out a client.
I am much more professional than that...and Guess what...I would never want to screw someone like that because believe it or not, I care about people. Originally Posted by topnotchmassage
Top, look I am not trying to bag on you, I am sure you probably received 100 pm about what a doushe bag someone is, and you changed your opinion, thats okay if thats what happened. I was just sending a message and used your thread to do it, dont take it personal.