It's funny...

It's funny because I'm not even seeking out new clients...I am mainly here for the banter and the few fellow eccians whose company I enjoy from time to time.

I want to thank kc for the kind words...and also cat for at least considering that I am a human being...and It would be cool for you to be a little more polite, naughty...We all get it...You don't like don't want to see me...I would not want to see you...and I never requested your company.
In the words of Ke$ha, Blah, blah, blah
Hey; we, girls, can't reply to the idiotic posts done on the we gotta do it somewhere.
bartipero's Avatar
That outfit and pose give me ADHD (or at least visions of high def) every time it turns up so I can't even concentrate on what you just what was that?
That outfit and pose give me ADHD (or at least visions of high def) every time it turns up so I can't even concentrate on what you just what was that? Originally Posted by bartipero
lol Cute. TY, I think
Omahan's Avatar
It would be nice if you would link back to the posts you're replying to or responding to so we can know what you're talking about.
Hey you...Long time I was referring to the very kind review that was most recently done on me that was smashed by a handful of guys who apparently don't like me so much.
and Then there were the gents who stood up with their loyal opinions(Yeah, the ones who have actually met me lol)opposed to the others'. TY to you guys
Hey you...Long time I was referring to the very kind review that was most recently done on me that was smashed by a handful of guys who apparently don't like me so much.
and Then there were the gents who stood up with their loyal opinions(Yeah, the ones who have actually met me lol)opposed to the others'. TY to you guys
xoxo Originally Posted by topnotchmassage
Sweetie, just sit back and watch the business roll in after that review thread. Your haters can be the best advertising you'll ever get. Trust me.
Sweetie, just sit back and watch the business roll in after that review thread. Your haters can be the best advertising you'll ever get. Trust me. Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
lol Thanks, Sweetie
Omahan's Avatar
Hey you...Long time I was referring to the very kind review that was most recently done on me that was smashed by a handful of guys who apparently don't like me so much.
and Then there were the gents who stood up with their loyal opinions(Yeah, the ones who have actually met me lol)opposed to the others'. TY to you guys
xoxo Originally Posted by topnotchmassage
Yeah, I figured it out after I asked you. Personally, I always appreciated your cooperation when I was moderating and you first joined. You didn't fit our mold and it took some time to fit the square peg into the round hole. You stuck up for yourself but were always respectful and willing to accept the rules, some of which we had to make as we went. Hang in there.
Yeah, I figured it out after I asked you. Personally, I always appreciated your cooperation when I was moderating and you first joined. You didn't fit our mold and it took some time to fit the square peg into the round hole. You stuck up for yourself but were always respectful and willing to accept the rules, some of which we had to make as we went. Hang in there. Originally Posted by Omahan
Thank you for that! I hope you are doing good...Not missing the mod thing too much hehe