
It has come to my attention that people are doubting who i am. First thing I am legit! I am not a cop! I was girlfriends with MJ a.k.a MaryJane. Shortly after hooking up with her, i seen her true colors. She is not a person i work with or even speak with anymore. I am completly independent. I DO NOT work with any females, due to what MJ had done to me a few weeks ago. I consider myself still a newbie to this hobby! Ive been doing this for about 2 1/2 months. I really dont understand why everyone is tripping on me. I am who i say i am. Thanks for your time n thanks for reading my post.

Much Love,
Stormy Allana
Welcone to be the latest to be thrown to the wolves.
Funny a street girl is around so many cops,snitches and rip-off artist.
In this business you are who you hang with... I've learned not to get others attached to my name from past experience. But hey you live you learn, if your a good girl sooner or later it will show and nobody will remember who you hung with at first.
KenMonk's Avatar
To be perfectly honest, she has more issues then who she just hangs with, or used to hang with.

Allana, piece of advice, you need to handle this business a little better and treat your clients with a bit more respect. In any business its important to be on time, keep appointments, and offer at least decent customer service.

Good luck in the future.
malwoody's Avatar
In this business you are who you hang with... I've learned not to get others attached to my name from past experience. But hey you live you learn, if your a good girl sooner or later it will show and nobody will remember who you hung with at first. Originally Posted by b@ileythepistol
I gotta call that a smart policy...that is IMO..especially when you consider that usually the people you hang with can also be competition...
ken monk didnt know that i didnt keep an appt with you. And i'm sorry you feel like im disrespectful.
big country...what excatly is that suppose to mean? i goggled my number and came across something that said " is she a cop?" thats the only reason i decided to write a post. once again i'mbrand new to this. so when i hooked up with MJ i knew nothing of her past or the things she does in her spare time. Iseen her adds and reviews and thought shewould be a good women to hookup with and make that money. but as bailey said you live, you learn...and thats excatly what has happened. I've learned my lesson. I work only with myself
Its good your trying to come clean...and although i havent met you....everyone deserves a fresh start

I will say you are cute though!
thank you bigdeal! im just trying to get my name cleared! I neverdid anything wrongto anyone! its just these females are jealous. BS is being said aboutme that aint true!and i want itto stop. hell myphone aintrangin over a week! so without ppl giving mea chance, ill never be able to make this right.
Martyoo7's Avatar
I think what we have here guys is a matter of guilty by association. She chose the wrong woman to hang out with and she got burnt. She's learned a valuable lesson the hard way. Allana is a safe, legit provider. If anyone does their research like we're all capable of doing you'll see. If that's not good enough for everyone I'll take the chance on seeing her when she's back in town and I'm sure I'll have a great time. Lord knows I could use some quality time with a sexy woman....and no I'm not white knighting here.
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 09-30-2012, 08:11 PM
Any chance of getting VP status? (if you are in the process then my apologies ahead)

Also I don't understand, you show the face in some ads and mask the face in other ads. Why? (not questioning just trying to understand the theory behind).
hell hunny i am on probabtion. and i was only doing what iwastold by another person...also i have no one to take no new pics, of me. my laptop was stolen on the10thof sept. byanother female off bp. so theonlypicsi have are the ones i already up loaded to the net....
Martyoo thank you for giving me a chance....i cant wait to meet you!!!