Backpaged again...

Cowboyboots's Avatar
So everyone saw there was a sting in Liberty right? A high school principal was busted and on radio 980 website.
Nice of TV5 to also provide a link to BP for future victims.

EDIT - Removed link to news story with RW information
So ridiculous I suppose it would be to much to ask for the news to broadcast something that is actually hard hitting. Far be it from the police to save cell phone minuttes and the tax payer dollars and put the drug dealers in the next room.

Far be it from me to even bother typing this same old key and click.

It is ridiculous with the child molester murders rapist drug dealers drug abusers.

I honestly feel sorry for this man, he did nothing wrong to be worthy of his entire career being in jeopardy. However that is how it seems it will be.

I have more but I will stop, I am sorry for the Rant I seem to be doing those more often.
Merged threads
And all they care about it this stuff???? What about the shootings and the stabbings, and murders??? What about the drug dealers ?? O my how the list could keep going..... But this is ridiculous cause I enjoy my profession of giving massages and meeting new people and having great company in the way I want, but this is alarming to me as well. Ladies no matter what profession you're in right now or what side of the business it is we all have to SCREEN, SCREEN, SCREEN... I take my business to every professional level there is when it comes to making my clients feel comfortable in my home. However because of the election coming I know this is the crap I have to deal with and to me the longevity of my business is far more important to me than just the here and now and a quick buck, I'm in it for the LONGGGGGGG haul.

Good Luck and be Safe everyone,
Y'all do realize that this is illegal right? So, is it fair that something that is considered illegal just be left alone and other crimes stay the target?

Everyone knows the consequences when they get into this business whether you're a hooker or a hobbyist.

Of course there's other crimes that are more important to you and others including LE, but lets face it......this business has LOTS of low hangin fruit and that's their target. Why? Because it brings in revenue for the city. The guys who let their dick do the thinking and just call some chick up and go to her. The hooker who doesn't screen and/or is desperate for money and just goes to the're (in general terms) their target.
malwoody's Avatar
But now that they have gotten this pervert away from our impressionable young people I for one feel a whole lot safer lol...Of course if he did a little research and didn't go for the cheap trick he could very well still have his career but like Elena said, "low hanging fruit"
He looked for a bargain and got more than he bargained for . . . shop smart for Christ's sake, especially when you have THAT much to lose.

- Jackie
ElumEno's Avatar
I have noticed a trend that it seems like the more they have to lose the dumber they are about the hobby.

I would bet good money that he even used the school phones or the cell phone provided by the school to call and set up the appointment.
Bomb Pop's Avatar
Liberty doesnt have any crime. Dont ya know?!?!