Johnson County KS

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  • cynic
  • 04-15-2013, 09:12 AM
"Undercover deputies posed as both solicitors and prostitutes during the operation. In the end, 30 men and women, including a 17-year-old, were arrested – 24 for solicitation and six for prostitution."

Someone please explain to me how this is NOT entrapment? I understand if the police happen upon an illegal act being committed, or are made aware of an illegal act after the fact and investigate the crime, but sting operations always have been and always will be illegal
it's ridiculous how they always talk about "the drugs." The drugs are on the college campus, the high schools, the corporate campuses, and corporate happy hours. But you never hear about stings in those places, do you.
Spanky0800's Avatar
It's not entrapment because they did not encourage activities that weren't offered by the person arrested. I know this assumes you believe LE as far as what was said or offered but the courts do believe them.
  • cynic
  • 04-15-2013, 03:23 PM
If its against the law for a provider to advertise as an escort, why isn't it illegal for the cops to do the same?

Double standards are bullshit. Entrapment pure and simple. I was arrested 20 years ago back east for talking to an undercover officer posing as a streetwalker. I allowed them to arrest me, showed up in court, asked to listen to the audio tape of me soliciting, and when they refused to produce it, the judge threw out the well as the other 10 or so bastards that were waiting their turns for the same bullshit. The cops weren't willing to produce the tape because they had clearly entrapped me (she was the one that offered to go 'party somewhere' and guaranteed that I'd 'get off'). The cops expect people to just roll over and pay the fines, rather than take the chance that they'd be embarrassed in court. I'd done nothing wrong, so I wasn't too worried about it.
Spanky0800's Avatar
No doubt that happens but not as often as those that are convicted. We're talking two different issues 1) cops that lie and 2) those that don't and arrest as a result of a legal sting and that is not entrapment.
bikebryan's Avatar
Entrapment is enticing you to do something you would not otherwise have done. In this hobby, just by showing up you remove entrapment as a defense. Sorry, but it's true. You know why you went to the visit just like the cops do. Forget entrapment.
Helicopter206's Avatar
I was told the police don't lie. Really!!
More people are found guilty because of the police lying under oath.
Just remember if it comes down to you or a police officer, you will lose every time.
If you ever get caught in a sting, take it front of a judge. The police can't release your information. Most of their case depended on who said what. They try to get you to talk about money and services that you are wanting. If a provider starters acting like this just say sorry I think you have someone else in mind, and get up to leave. The police can't detain you because nothing was discussed, they can say intent but they are ones that posted the intent to preform an act. Just remember they will try to get you to talk on the phone also so they have your voice and intent.
The police don't like audio to be played in court to a jury or in front of a judge. They will delete all audio and only show the person's actions in court. So if you walk in and place the donation on the counter your busted. If you walk in and start taking off your clothes or start talking about different positions or if she likes BBBJ, your busted. If she doesn't look like her photos, just open the door the police will be standing there looking at you face to face. Your detained for a records check you might get a ticket to appear. This can drag on forever just to get you to pay the fine (1,000 to 1,500) times 30 people for 4 days of work. Not including other fines.

I have never been busted (knock on wood) but this is what I have seen on all the TV shows.

Good luck everyone play safe
This is like speeding they post the speed limit sign, but there will that person that wants to go faster. So if your on the highway you know the speed limit. But your in a hurry. So the intent was you getting behind the wheel then speeding. Busted
Spanky0800's Avatar
Oh my gosh...such unsupported speculation and uninformed beliefs. There are two things in the state of Missouri for a probable cause arrest for solicitation of prostitution by either a provider or a hobbyist...1). a stated sexual act and 2). a price to be paid for that act. They are not going to do anything over the phone other than perhaps lure you to a physical location so they can get you to commit to the the two required statements. They can't arrest you over the phone! They don't record anything...they don't have to because most knuckelheads give themselves up by admitting to the two questions. Oh, and the judge is going to believe who? Believe it or not but for the most part they don't have to lie because there are so many idiots that readily cough up the answers to the 2 questions.
So...never ask what you want and never state what you'll pay for it and this is for providers and hobbyist. Hobbyist should never get naked before the provider (known providers excluded of course).
The girl mentioned kinda looks like the "trucker friendly" girl.
Was this the sting mentioned under Alerts in DeSoto?
malwoody's Avatar
Low hanging fruit....
dirty dog's Avatar
Coper the police can and do release your information, they will show up at your house when your not home so that your wife or SO answers the door and they inform them they need to speak to you. They have in the past sent letters to your home address clearly marked POLICE in hopes that your wife and SO open the mail. They can and have gone to your empoyers to "speak" with you just to cause your problems. Show up to a sting location and your getting arrested. They dont care if they get convictions, they are going to cause you heartache and they want to exhaust your "play" budget on lawyers. They also want to get information on how the hobby operates. They can then take that information and gear their efforts appropriate to garner more success.You have to remember that unlike solving murders and assualts, Vice is one of the few areas of police work that generate revenue, through fines, probations fees and JOHN school.
malwoody's Avatar
Yeah, I don't know DD....

After all, HC did see it on TV. That surely must mean he's got it all figured out....RIGHT..??
Of course, he could always say he is there to fix her car....!!!!

KCQuestor's Avatar
Entrapment is enticing you to do something you would not otherwise have done. In this hobby, just by showing up you remove entrapment as a defense. Originally Posted by bikebryan
Entrapment would be if they came to you and asked if you wanted to have sex for money. If a woman walks up to you on the street, sits next to you at a bar, or rings your doorbell and asks if you want to have sex for money... if it's a cop that's entrapment.