Overweight Hobbyists

What's the general consensus with providers in regards to them?
Still Looking's Avatar
Good thing they charge by the hour not the pound! IJS
happybanana's Avatar
I bet some wish they had a surcharge like the airlines have on luggage... I am just waiting for a lady to see me and say, uhm.. thanks but no thanks and hand me a $20 for the drive over!

Fortunately (and unfortunately), hobbyists are judged primarily by the content of our character (if "character" means "wallet").
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
No one is bothered by a few extra pounds. Women don't think of attractiveness like men do. It's not the way that we're wired. Also, a larger or taller man tends to have this affect of making a woman feel safe, if she likes them. So you have that to discuss as well.

But I've known of a few ladies who will not see obese men. But I find that to be incredibly dumb. There is only one lady, in Dallas, who won't see larger men and she has an excellent reason for not doing so.

If she chimes in on this topic, then it'll be her prerogative to say the reason why.

Otherwise, I've never understood it when a woman wishes for her clients to look a certain way. One NEVER knows what type of chemistry you're going to have with a person until you're there in their company.

One of the most fantastic men that I've ever had sex with could pass as a troll or he looked a bit like Quasimodo, really ... he did. And it was shocking what he could do in bed. He was just fantastic.

So I prefer to hold back those type of judgement calls. Right now, my client age range is getting younger and younger, much to my annoyance. It's just what it is.

However, an older man. A much fatter man? What is wrong with that? Nothing.

And there are plenty of women that find a fat man, or a larger man, to be a wonderful bed mate. And sometimes, that is a preference to itself.

Isn't sexuality wonderful?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-19-2014, 08:01 AM
Women are far more ecumenical in who they find "attractive" and generally put less value on the physical appearance than men do. I am very average looking on my good days, and should lose some weight for certain, but have had few ladies in my personal life be bothered by that. None in this corner of the world, though a few by my age.
Jackpotvinny's Avatar
interesting thread...I've always been self conscience of my weight....
gimme_that's Avatar
There will be no totally honest replys in this thread. Unless of course the lady has a policy for no fat guys.

No need to be self conscience......this is a perfect thread for ladies to butter you up and rub your belly........
  • BSer
  • 07-19-2014, 11:08 AM
I've always heard ladies complain about BO with larger men.

I'm a fat fucker, we sweat a lot. So you fat boys like me clean up real nice before heading out to see a lady
RochBob's Avatar
As long as a Man is in decent shape and can perform adequately. A Provider shouldn't care about their size (except for as previously stated by emptywallet). And even then maybe. Unfortunately due to what major media (Print/Movies/TV) has pushed on us as the ideal person (Man or Woman) people have the wrong idea about what a fit person is.
Wakeup's Avatar
No one is bothered by a few extra pounds. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Coming from a fat provider, this means jack shit.

interesting thread...I've always been self conscience of my weight.... Originally Posted by Jackpotvinny
That's why you pay to see hookers...

Women judge us just like we judge them...they just lie about what they like and don't like, because they're getting paid...
I don't really give a furry rat's ass what a gent looks like as long as he's a good client and a decent person. For me, good looks aren't even a "bonus" in terms of making an encounter more enjoyable- skills and chemistry are and neither of those have anything to do with appearance, weight, age, etc. With a gent who is very overweight, my only real concern is that he has paid attention to the special hygiene needs people of this size have. Fortunately I can only think of one or two times in four years of providing when this was a problem. Fluffy gents can also present some purely physical challenges when it comes to the logistics of playtime- but one thing they're compensating me for is my ability to gracefully deal with this and find creative solutions.

And to the haters who insist that no provider would ever answer this question (or any other for that matter) honestly- Since you are paying for female companionship just like the gents you deride for believing anything we say, perhaps you aren't the biggest expert on how women really think, either?
I haven't had many big men, but most of what I have seen, made sure they were clean and they were very nice gentlemen. I agree with EW on what she said, and Wake up, you can call me fat too if you want.
I have discovered most of the good looking people are not worth spending much time with, and the less then attractive people, can be a lot of fun and really sweet natured.. Not going to pass judgement and say ALL are like that, but in the 15+ years I've been on the adult playground, it does fit the majority.
And I heard someone said they wouldn't get an honest answer....well, here you go!
Winter Monroe's Avatar
In my experience with "The Hobby" some of the most Generous, Kind men I have come across have been over weight. The most important qualities a hobbiest should have while visiting a provider would be Hygiene and respectful manners. Thats goes for any size. If you question the way a provider feels about weight you should ask her before you surprize her.... Not everyone feels the same way.... Kisses Winter Monroe
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-19-2014, 12:52 PM
In my experience with "The Hobby" some of the most Generous, Kind men I have come across have been over weight. The most important qualities a hobbiest should have while visiting a provider would be Hygiene and respectful manners. Thats goes for any size. If you question the way a provider feels about weight you should ask her before you surprize her.... Not everyone feels the same way.... Kisses Winter Monroe Originally Posted by Winter Monroe
Well said, it matches everything the ladies I know have told me. And unlike some people here, I do not assume they all lie.

Coming from a fat provider, this means jack shit.

That's why you pay to see hookers...

Women judge us just like we judge them...they just lie about what they like and don't like, because they're getting paid... Originally Posted by Wakeup
So is this another "calling her fat isn't insulting" post? I guess calling them liars isn't either. At least you are consistent.