Can a lady become an ATF if she only allows CBJ or does not allow CIM?

Still Looking's Avatar
Can a lady become an ATF if she only allows CBJ or does not allow CIM? So many times I get ladies asking me "why" do guys only see me once? Well here is your answer... and for fun we will make it a poll.

Note: Vote on all that apply
years and years ago,(1998) I had a reg in Houston, one of the hottest little Vietnamese girls ever!! perfect body,, she loved to fuk but was cbj and no kissing..I saw her for 5 years at least once a month...

that was back when a lot of girls were cbj and since I was only using Spa's and Studios I did not know better..
now, I would not do it.
CIM is nice but not needed. But CBJ sucks.

I'm older and used to 30 years of monogamous BB before I entered the hobby. I just can't cum in a rubber. The sensations aren't strong enough. I underetand the need for safety, and would never ask a provider for BBFS, but I need a BBBJ.
MrThom's Avatar
All Time Favorite is exactly that. It doesn't matter What they do, Its That they do, and WHO they are that makes them favorite.
All Time Favorite is exactly that. It doesn't matter What they do, Its That they do, and WHO they are that makes them favorite. Originally Posted by MrThom
I agree.I think ATF would have more to do with personality and compatibility rather than menu options, but that of course is my opinion.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-04-2014, 07:39 AM
All Time Favorite is exactly that. It doesn't matter What they do, Its That they do, and WHO they are that makes them favorite. Originally Posted by MrThom
I agree.I think ATF would have more to do with personality and compatibility rather than menu options, but that of course is my opinion. Originally Posted by Riverstud
Glad some folks get it. I completely understand guys who have certain things they need to see on the menu befor they will make an appointment, but the title of the poll says "ATF" while the question seems to actually be about something else.

ATF seems like it has become just another diluted acronym that many people use to mean "whichever lady I have seen recently and like enough to see again".

In almost 40 years I have had one ATF (and almost 20 years later she still is that). It was absolutely her personality that made her stand out above a lot of other fantastic ladies I have had the privilege of meeting.
All Time Favorite is exactly that. It doesn't matter What they do, Its That they do, and WHO they are that makes them favorite. Originally Posted by MrThom
I agree.I think ATF would have more to do with personality and compatibility rather than menu options, but that of course is my opinion. Originally Posted by Riverstud
I agree with these sentiments whole-heartedly and enthusiastically. However, she can't become an ATF unless we at least have that first meeting........which is not gonna happen if she doesn't offer BBBJ.
GenesisNicole's Avatar
All Time Favorite is exactly that. It doesn't matter What they do, Its That they do, and WHO they are that makes them favorite. Originally Posted by MrThom
This whole thread is retarded from the get go! (In my opinion)

What Mr. Thom said hits it all on the head. ATF has not a damn thing to do with "activities".


gimme_that's Avatar
I can go without cim for an ATF. Really non of my ATFs have done CIM. But cbj is a no go. No matter how attractive she is. Cbj is usually accompanied by no kissing and no daty.
Anything is possible, but can a hobbyist be a provider's ATF with an empty wallet?
Gladiator69's Avatar
This whole thread is retarded from the get go! (In my opinion)

What Mr. Thom said hits it all on the head. ATF has not a damn thing to do with "activities".


Originally Posted by GenesisNicole
Gotta disagree with you hun, as activities are what lead up to that first meeting and from there developing into that ATF title from there. If you don't offer what I am looking for then there is no meeting in the first place. just my opinion of coarse
MrThom's Avatar
I was chatting with a guy who said..."I like the way she looks, I think that she is going to be my atf."
Goes to show that he didn't know what he was talking about.

I have an ATF. And I have a Top 5 favorites. What they did BCD is not what made them my faves. Its who they are.
GenesisNicole's Avatar
Gotta disagree with you hun, as activities are what lead up to that first meeting and from there developing into that ATF title from there. If you don't offer what I am looking for then there is no meeting in the first place. just my opinion of coarse Originally Posted by Gladiator69
We can agree to disagree, but as others have said. If the lady's activities aren't up to par with what you seek then date wouldn't take part to begin with..
THUS making a claim for her to be an ATF (or not) a moot point.

But thanks for playing the game.

*of course, is what I think you meant for the underlined.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 08-04-2014, 09:52 AM
I agree with GN and atf is not based on activities. And my atf has never been bbbj or cim, I've seen her for a few years now and I'm happy with it.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Anything is possible, but can a hobbyist be a provider's ATF with an empty wallet? Originally Posted by emptywallet
Very good question....