Left without paying.....

Still Looking's Avatar
Yes I know most guys PAY UP FRONT! The envelopes, the gift bags etc. Most all sources tell ladies to get the money up front. Once I meet a lady and I know everything is legit I pay up front as well. But when I meet a lady for the first time I pay when it's over. NO EXCEPTIONS! If there is going to be a problem I'm out of therewith my cash. By doing so I have completely eliminated the con artists and scams.This has not hurt my hobby career in any way. In doing my research if I see the provider requests it up front I make sure she knows I DO NOT DO THAT! Never had a lady turn me away. Now on to the subject at hand.

On 4 occasions I have met providers and had mind blowing experiences. Fun times had by both of us. And yes we said our goodbyes and I left. Within 1-10 minutes I realize I had not paid for the session. I turn around and go back and pay. In every case the provider didn't realize I had not paid.

Thoughts and stories to share?
pyramider's Avatar

The ladies always notice ...
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Maybe you had a point but it became ego driven boasting. 'Look at me, how smart, erotic and trustworthy I am.'

What's really got you down? You can tell us...get it off your chest, you'll feel better.
Still Looking's Avatar
Maybe you had a point but it became ego driven boasting. 'Look at me, how smart, erotic and trustworthy I am.'

What's really got you down? You can tell us...get it off your chest, you'll feel better. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Yah got me... I tried to pass as a New Yorker but they say I wasn't stupid enough. The good news is they said I did quality to be a MOD there!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-11-2014, 07:30 AM
To clarify, your approach significantly reduces the chance that YOU will be scammed by HER, but seriously increases the chance that SHE will be scammed by the client.

Much the same as the issue of screening--who carries the risks.
I have been not paid once... was an outcall. I put the money directly into my purse and then proceeded to do what I do. This was a very liked guy and was very popular.
Afterwards i did what i do and i packed up and left. About 10 minutes later I was in a frantic searching my purse. I contacted him and he said he would run back to the motel and check to see if maybe it was left. APPARENTLY housekeeping does their housekeeping at 7pm because his CLAIM was housekeeping took it. My gut... is that he took it. I didnt raise a stink about it. He wasnt going to pay it, i knew that. It was a lesson learned, No matter how popular they are.. they will still rummage through your stuff while youre in the bathroom. And then i told myself.. technically i didnt work.. it was an hour of my time, yes... but only about 5 minutes of work. I found out later that his reference/ATF.. gives it up for free to him.. I guess he just assumed thats how the hobby worked?

I screen better now and if there is a hint of risk of anything... its just not going to happen. I try to take any negative experience, and learn from it.
Cpalmson's Avatar
My approach is similar to Still Looking, but I'm a tad more flexible. My preference is not to pay until afterwards. I will only pay prior to the fun starting IF she asks for it up front. Lately, paying after the party is over has been the norm for me-- mainly b/c I've been seeing my SB (arrangement and no donation required), repeat w/ girls I've seen before, and girls who don't ask up front. I've only had one time where I "forgot" to pay her. I had to run back inside to get the donation and give it to her. I don't think she would have even noticed as we were both horny as hell and jumped each other the moment we could

Several observations. To me, girls who INSIST on getting the donation up front are more likely to also be clock-watchers, have other rules, and tend to be less service oriented. Yes, I know not all girls who want the $$$ upfront are this way, but it does increase the odds of a less than satisfying session. Second, and this is mainly from a guy's perspective, paying after playing probably reduces the odds of being caught in an LE sting to zero. LE wants to get the transaction out of the way first, and I seriously doubt they would let one of their female officers go all the way for an hour or so just to make a bust. Yes, I know they can, but I just can't see an LE dept that would have such a policy. Now I know their male officers would probably go all the way to nail a provider. I know a double standard.
Raw dog's Avatar
In philly that is the way things are done. I never not paid but it gives her something to look forward too. I have had some girls when I did pay up front would take the donation go to the bathroom hide it then come back to start the session and then proceed to tell you what see isn't going to do.
From what I hear, generally if you let a guy pay after - they either "forget" and you'll never get it OR they short you saying that is all they have in their pocket.

If you do your research prior to going, you generally know what to expect so I don't understand why one would expect less time/service.

Now on ladies without reviews, then it is a gamble all the way around.
Since I have my own private incall , I will immediately take it to another room and put it away I never ever leave it laying out and accessible , and Ive only had a few forget to pay but they always do a 180 and come back and pay ..back when I was green and a kid in my 20's I got stiffed a few times and not in a good way lol..you live and learn..
awl4knot's Avatar
In philly that is the way things are done. I never not paid but it gives her something to look forward too. I have had some girls when I did pay up front would take the donation go to the bathroom hide it then come back to start the session and then proceed to tell you what see isn't going to do. Originally Posted by Raw dog
No, that's not how it is done in Philly. The convention is to pay up front. My preference is to put on the desk or bureau at the beginning so it is done with and we can concentrate on the fun part of the visit. If she is worried about the money, she won't be relaxed. Many ladies won't look at the donation (or do it when you are in the head). If you have a rapport/history with a lady, sometimes the donation is offered at the end, but this can lead to problems.

I once was starting to leave and the lady asked about the gift, which confused me a bit but I finally figured out what she wanted and found the card and enclosed gift in my computer bag. Twice I have unintentionally shorted ladies. An email took care of the issue, but if they had checked during the session the embarrassment would have been avoided.
Are you Still Looking for a pat on the back?
First nice that you are a gent and went back to offer tribute.
I have only seen that twice in the five years and the many providers that i have trained-mentored.
I expect something even if you leave.
So if you are that concerned screen better.
I only accept sessions with a deposit or the like as my time and talent too rare to waste on peeps who cant make it or meet for whatever their reasons.
I guess that you dont get that some of us GET OFF on being paid for sex or sex lessons part of the turn on.
I get that some providers scam, again do your research, I do.
Tantra Devi
Still Looking's Avatar
First nice that you are a gent and went back to offer tribute.
I have only seen that twice in the five years and the many providers that i have trained-mentored.
I expect something even if you leave.
So if you are that concerned screen better.
I only accept sessions with a deposit or the like as my time and talent too rare to waste on peeps who cant make it or meet for whatever their reasons.
I guess that you dont get that some of us GET OFF on being paid for sex or sex lessons part of the turn on.
I get that some providers scam, again do your research, I do.
Tantra Devi Originally Posted by 2HeartsTantra
Keep in mind I've experienced just about every scam and trick in the book short of be robbed. The thought of shorting a lady or not paying her has ever crossed my mind. Sadly if someone's going to be a victim it's just not going to be me.

I might mention I had two providers ask me to keep the money and save it for them so they wouldn't spend it. A savings account if you will. Worked out very nicely for both. (Both were ATF'S)

And your right I had no idea guys got off on paying a lady for BCD activities? seems like the site is littered with posts and threADs complaining about "HIGH" COST OF HOOKERS. I do brings gifts and most every provider seems to enjoy that!?

Have you ever had a provider say just keep it. Or they should be paying you ?