What would you do???

Raw dog's Avatar
I got a new one for the guys to ponder. And on this one I'll included a question for the ladies too.

This is something that I was kind of facing a few weeks ago on a business trip up north.

Let's say you been in another town ie state for a week or so. Meetings after meetings you been going to. Well one evening after a dinner meeting you go back to your room and decided to call a provider. You search thur the ads till you come to a goddess that you simple must have. The price is right and she does outcalls to hotels. You call her up and she answer you chat for a bit and you tell her you would love to see her. She tells you she could but your 2 hours away from her. You didn't know because your not from there. You tell her "ok we'll never mind". She say "No" she could do it.

Two hours later their age is in all her glory naked in your hotel room for a few hours of fun.

You have your fun pay her walk her out and return to shower in your room and get ready for the next day of meeting.

A hour later you get a call. It's her! Her car broke down about 50 miles from your hotel.


Do you go get her and bring her home?

Do you go get her and bring her back to your room since it's late and help out more the next day with the car.?

Or do you say tough titty you better call AAA.

And for the ladies.

A guy comes see you wherever and you and him do a 3 hour tour!

He pays the full amount plus a small tip.

2 hours after he is gone he call you!! You of all people and ask if you could come get him his car broke down. Are better yet it ran out of gas and he is broke.

Do you go get him??

Do you give him some of his money back??

Do you let him spend the night at your spot and sort out the rest of this stuff in the morning ???

Or do you tell him Peace I can't help you??
Neither party is under any obligation once the date is over. I'd never call the client I just left because I pay for 24 hour roadside assistance with my insurance. No need to call a client and inconvenience him. If the client seriously spent his last dollar seeing me and doesn't have the money for a tow truck and repairs and a ride back to wherever he is staying... he really needs to reevaluate his life choices.

I don't get involved in my clients' personal lives, and I don't want them to get involved in mine. So, as harsh as it sounds, probably 99% of the time, I'd say he's on his own. I'd expect the same.
Wakeup's Avatar
The problem with Caroline is that she makes too much damn sense all the time...OP, you know most hookers and tricks are fucked in the head...

The trick would pick her up, and try to barter that into a free all-nighter...

The provider would allow herself to get picked up and try to get the trick to pay for her repairs for free sessions...

The rest of the membership, who have nothing to do with it, get to comment endlessly on the alert that the trick or hooker posts afterward, as the he said/she said goes back and forth...

Caroline is just trying to steal my drama...damn it...
Grace Preston's Avatar
Neither party is under any obligation once the date is over. I'd never call the client I just left because I pay for 24 hour roadside assistance with my insurance. No need to call a client and inconvenience him. If the client seriously spent his last dollar seeing me and doesn't have the money for a tow truck and repairs and a ride back to wherever he is staying... he really needs to reevaluate his life choices.

I don't get involved in my clients' personal lives, and I don't want them to get involved in mine. So, as harsh as it sounds, probably 99% of the time, I'd say he's on his own. I'd expect the same. Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport

Or, less eloquently said... You aren't paying us to fuck, you are paying us to leave.
Wakeup's Avatar
The trick-side corollary being...once you've been paid to leave, get the fuck out and don't call us again...
Grace Preston's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar

Or, less eloquently said... You aren't paying us to fuck, you are paying us to leave. Originally Posted by GracePreston
I thought the pay was just for time
gals then fuck the boyz
so they will leave
then take a nap
DallasRain's Avatar
Neither party is under any obligation once the date is over. I'd never call the client I just left because I pay for 24 hour roadside assistance with my insurance. No need to call a client and inconvenience him. If the client seriously spent his last dollar seeing me and doesn't have the money for a tow truck and repairs and a ride back to wherever he is staying... he really needs to reevaluate his life choices.

I don't get involved in my clients' personal lives, and I don't want them to get involved in mine. So, as harsh as it sounds, probably 99% of the time, I'd say he's on his own. I'd expect the same. Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
great response!!!!!n I feel the same....
The only problem is that some of these gals are "on their own" and have nobody to help....so the lady's situation and results may have to be different!
Cpalmson's Avatar
Why is the lady calling her "John"? She should be calling her white knight or pimp? 😃. Okay, that was too easy of low hanging fruit. First off as a guy, I would never be in the situation described. There's this wonderful thing called plastic which can get you out of most financial crunches of an emergency nature. Now, I can see a lady being in that position-- think your inexperienced BP type girls. I don't know. It is a tough call. I guess it would depend on what time things were happening. If it is before midnight, I'd probably do something. If it is 3am, girl needs to be calling Hillary Clinton 😀
... girl needs to be calling Hillary Clinton 😀 Originally Posted by Cpalmson
No need for the vulgar language.
Clouddancer's Avatar
................... If the client seriously spent his last dollar seeing me and doesn't have the money for a tow truck and repairs and a ride back to wherever he is staying... he really needs to reevaluate his life choices..... Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
No truer words could have been written!
But, a beautiful lady and thinking with our dicks make men make some crazy choices.

I know it wasn't the scenario but I think many of us might rescue the other if there was an established hobby relationship.
I admit I am a bleeding heart. There is a high likelihood I would go pick him up, HOWEVER, I would likely bring a friend or protection of some sort. Too many forensic files start in this type of scenario. I would not stay the night with him but likely take him to the nearest hotel of quality.

I would hope as stated above he had the financial sense to be capable of calling himself a cab and/or tow. However if for whatever reason he was truly stranded I would find a way to help him.

I would NOT however call a client I just met once or even twice if I was the stranded one. After all I did just come into a bit of money therefor I should be able to get a tow/cab with ease
A hour later you get a call. It's her! Her car broke down about 50 miles from your hotel.


Do you go get her and bring her home? Originally Posted by Raw dog
An hour later, my phone will be off, and I'll probably be asleep. By the time I get her messages, it will be too late.

tia travels's Avatar
pyramider's Avatar
I would call the wrecker service.