Alec Baldwin Shooting: A New thought . . .

ICU 812's Avatar
yeah, its old news and sort of a dead horse too for now but I had a new thought on this shooting.

A whole lot of bandwidth blown on whether or not Baldwin pulled the trigger.. But with that sort of gun, a "single action" revolver, nothing at all can happen unless the hammer is pulled back some distance.

Don't think I have heard audio of Baldwin saying he never pulled back the hammer.
VitaMan's Avatar
This is a topic for the political forum ?
biomed1's Avatar
Moved to correct forum
Bushjumper's Avatar
yeah, its old news and sort of a dead horse too for now but I had a new thought on this shooting.

A whole lot of bandwidth blown on whether or not Baldwin pulled the trigger.. But with that sort of gun, a "single action" revolver, nothing at all can happen unless the hammer is pulled back some distance.

Don't think I have heard audio of Baldwin saying he never pulled back the hammer. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Bingo! Excellent observation! It should be obvious that Mr. Baldwin not only is allergic to all firearms, but Hollywood et.all has never so much as given him a firearms safety briefing. Much less training in the use of any firearm.
ICU 812's Avatar

You have used the term "Firearm Safety" in the same way I learned to us it when I was a Boy Scout; meaning the safe handling of guns so that an accidental discharge does not happen. In recent years though, those who would restrict the availability or even possession of firearms have co-opted that phrasing to mean "Gun Control".

Much has been made of who was responsible for Mr. Baldwin being handed a loaded gun. If he had been focused on gun safety in the traditional sense, he would have taken a mere 10 seconds and checked the piece himself . . . .as is taught in every gun safety training session.
61corv's Avatar
A colt single action WILL fire by bumping the hammer forward or released forward without pulling the trigger because of the hammer having the firing pin on it. That’s why cowboys never carried a round in that chamber with the hammer resting on it. It called cowboy load for that very reason. There a plenty of videos and info about this very thing.
Alec Baldwin doesn’t know what he is taking about but he is a actor… trained to make you believe him…
ICU 812's Avatar
We will have to wait for the Trial. It will be widely reported. I don't know if it will be broadcast (hope so). I would bet my lunch money that Baldwin will testify . . .he is that kind of guy.

The FBI will present evidence on the gun. I don't know if the gun involved with the shooting is a faithful Colt copy with the firing p;in on the hammer, or if it is a modern version with a tranfer bar lockwork.

It will be interesting to find out what cartridges were in the gun too; a light load for Cowboy Actinon competition, a hot self-defense load, target wadcutters, smokeless or black powder etc.
Should Alec Baldwin have checked to see whether the gun had bullets in or not before he pointed at someone. His defense will be that the armorer was responsible for that, but as executive producer he is responsible for the hiring and firing of staff. Therefore, he had the responsibility of making sure his armorer was up to the job. So it turns out he’ll either be guilty because he didn’t check the weapons personally or because the person who should’ve checked the weapon and didn’t has documented laxity’s in her job and as the person responsible for personnel on the set, he was guilty for not making sure proper procedures were followed by all his employees.
Thought of the Baldwin shooting while re-watching Lonesome Dove the other day. Jake Spoon had shot thru a gambler and hit a dentist across the street. Nearly everyone, except his wife, considered the shooting to be 'an accident', hardly worthy of prosecution. What a change in a couple of centuries. Of course that was fiction, who knows what people really thought?
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
There are workplace deaths all the time, mostly due to negligence but sometimes intentional as well. A few years ago the civil suit would have been the end of it. Times/opinions change so they're making Baldwin an example. Not surprising since so many in Hollywood try to use their fame to push/promote their political ideas.