Megyn Kelly Destroys Dick Cheney On Fox TV Interview

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Were there two interviews?
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Were there two interviews? Originally Posted by LexusLover
+1.......I agree with you LexusLover.
Were there two interviews? Originally Posted by LexusLover
+2 she asked tough questions. At least he isn't a lying sack of shit like Hillary.

Still, the fundemental question is NEVER asked. What would we have in Iraq now if we had not disposed of Saddam, and those two upstanding Joseph Stalin wannabe Sons of his.

Granted, Saddam kept things under controle, he simply killed anyone who dared cause a fuss.

How many of you can remember when every time one of the other Arab Countries would have a disagreement with Israel, Saddam would start lobbing SCUD missiles into Israel.

I never like Dick Cheney, or the whole bunch who never served a day in the Military but are always so willing to storm the beaches with other people's Sons. But they did what they thought was right at the time.

Remember when The Soviet Union thought invading Afganistan was a good idea?
We learned a lot from that, right........NOT
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  • 06-19-2014, 02:04 PM

I never like Dick Cheney, or the whole bunch who never served a day in the Military but are always so willing to storm the beaches with other people's Sons. But they did what they thought was right at the time.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
I agree....we do get to boot them out of office every four years. So the we little folks got that going for us!

On the Megan Kelly front....she asked the questions like she wasn't the one asking the question. Yet she asked them in the form of questions from others. A polite way of asking a question.
LexusLover's Avatar
On the Megan Kelly front....she asked the questions like she wasn't the one asking the question. Yet she asked them in the form of questions from others. A polite way of asking a question. Originally Posted by WTF
She was repeating questions raised by others and asking THEM to respond to the criticism of others ... It had nothing to do with "politeness" ... she was giving them the opportunity to respond ... she wasn't the one asking the questions ... again .. she was repeating questions that had been raised without giving them an opportunity to respond ... she gave them that chance.
LexusLover's Avatar
I never like Dick Cheney, or the whole bunch who never served a day in the Military but are always so willing to storm the beaches with other people's Sons. But they did what they thought was right at the time. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I suspect none of them acted without input from those who served more than a day, and probably did a little "wading" themselves ... although those days are a thing of the past ... for the most part.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Still, the fundemental question is NEVER asked. What would we have in Iraq now if we had not disposed of Saddam, Originally Posted by Jackie S
Probably less chaos than there is now. Saddam was an evil thug but the world is full of those. We don't have a problem dealing with China and they're not exactly human rights friendly. We deal with Saudi Arabia and they likely produce more terrorists than any other country. We helped oust Gaddafi now that place is complete chaos. Sometimes less intervention is better.

I think one of our biggest foreign policy blunders was not developing better relations with Russia. I know Putin is no angel but why should that prevent us from pursuing better relations. We've associated ourselves with worse. I don't trust China for a second. How's that chummy relationship with the Saudis worked out? 15 of the 19 911 attackers were from Saudi Arabia. It's the terrorist producing capital of the world. They're probably the biggest backers of ISIS, a group we may very well have to fight in Iraq some day. If we had any competent forward thinking leadership we'd have been out of the Middle East a long time ago. Why would any sane nation deal with the chaotic Middle East. Oh ya, oil. We can produce more of our own and buy it elsewhere. I'd rather buy oil from Russia than those loons in Saudi Arabia. If we had better relations with Russia they may not be trying to move away from the dollar. But instead we but heads with them producing another Cold War. Totally reckless. Just a thought.
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  • 06-19-2014, 05:23 PM
She was repeating questions raised by others and asking THEM to respond to the criticism of others ... It had nothing to do with "politeness" ... she was giving them the opportunity to respond ... she wasn't the one asking the questions ... again .. she was repeating questions that had been raised without giving them an opportunity to respond ... she gave them that chance. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I understand...I heard the interview.
Cheney, what a useless old piece of shit. His daughter looked like a dog trying to shit a peach pit during that interview. Antsing around......what a kooze.....rotten fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.

I'd like to bone Megyn Kelly though.....or whatever that harsh-looking news anchor's name is........just so long as she had a ball-gag in her mouth.
Cheney always reminded me of the Penguin on Batman, lol. I don't see where this interview rattled him one bit though. Megyn Kelly came out swinging from the start saying Iraq was all his fault and Bush. His reply had the tone of more or less" Fuck You Bitch".

I wonder if in a few years the media will be as tough on Biden (or other Obamazombies). Obama will get US troops back in Iraq. Who am I kidding, the media will make Obamazombies out to be saints for saving Iraq at the expense of US lives.
LexusLover's Avatar
Megyn Kelly came out swinging from the start saying Iraq was all his fault and Bush. His reply had the tone of more or less" Fuck You Bitch". Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
She was paraphrasing and quoting others ... she was not voicing her opinion.

The "Fuck You Bitch" attitude was directed at Obaminable.
She was paraphrasing and quoting others ... she was not voicing her opinion.

The "Fuck You Bitch" attitude was directed at Obaminable. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well I have to give him this, he answered the questions she asked without any hesitation or trying to get off track. I guess you're right the "Fuck You" attitude was aimed at who ever had a problem with the decisions he and Bush made. I never was a fan of either Bush or Cheney but could you imagine Biden in that situation, lol. Iam sure Megyn Kelly would have wondered if she was doing a skit for SNL.

She was paraphrasing and quoting others ... she was not voicing her opinion. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That's his lie and he's sticking to it! That's why he's LexiLiar! He never lets the facts stand in the way of the lie he wants to tell!