Unions May Get Another Sweet Obama Care Exemption.

The Obama administration is planning to exempt some labor unions and ... News Corp Bosses ...
Thake a minute and listen. This is he kind of shit that is irking people.

Even President Clinton said that in order for The ACA to work, EVERYBODY has to participate. This is just more of the same old political shit.
LexusLover's Avatar
....in order for The ACA to work, EVERYBODY has to participate. This is just more of the same old political shit. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The ACA is "more of the same old political shit."

Keep in mind, please, that Pelosi and Reed orchestrated this congressional nightmare ...

.. for "The Boss" ... that would be Obaminable!!
The ACA basically, is a gigantic piece of legislation that was never thought out very well. It probably looked good on paper and that's about it. In reality it has stirred up more controversy and has caused more concern for businesses and corporations that future for job growth has been stifled. Clinton is probably right the ACA needs 100% participation for it to really work the way it was intended. That doesn't look too promising and without it the ACA can only go south.
LexusLover's Avatar
The ACA basically, is a gigantic piece of legislation that was never thought out very well. It probably looked good on paper and that's about it. . Originally Posted by acp5762
Who read it before they voted on it? Obaminable certainly didn't before he signed it.
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  • BJerk
  • 11-18-2013, 03:09 PM
Anyone who labors for a living and doesn't join a union is hurting themselves. Unions are under attack by big business and need some small gifts from the government like this.
Who read it before they voted on it? Obaminable certainly didn't before he signed it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That's true. What did Pelosi say " You have to pass it before you can find out what's in it" That's like buying a house signing all the paper work before you even walk inside. How stupid is that.
LexusLover's Avatar
That's true. What did Pelosi say " You have to pass it before you can find out what's in it" That's like buying a house signing all the paper work before you even walk inside. How stupid is that. Originally Posted by acp5762
Obaminable Stupid.
LexusLover's Avatar
Anyone who labors for a living and doesn't join a union is hurting themselves. Unions are under attack by big business and need some small gifts from the government like this. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
You mean on top of the bailout handouts?
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  • BJerk
  • 11-18-2013, 03:57 PM
You mean on top of the bailout handouts? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well, Wall Street got bailed out, why shouldn't the unions?
Well, Wall Street got bailed out, why shouldn't the unions? Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Obama doesn't benefit from the Unions quite like he does with Wall Street. Ever heard of that little cliché "You Scratch my Back I'll Scratch Yours"
LexusLover's Avatar
Well, Wall Street got bailed out, why shouldn't the unions? Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Job creators should get help, while job killers should not. Kinda elementary.
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  • BJerk
  • 11-18-2013, 05:12 PM
Job creators should get help, while job killers should not. Kinda elementary. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Lotsa job destroyers on Wall Street-not to mention churn'em and burn'em