Ross B's Avatar
During my trip to Chicago I use RS2K for the first time. I was listed on RS2K Travel, which resulted in me receiving not as much as a buzz as I hope. My question to you guys is it best to post on RS2K Chicago or the RS2K Travel for a better response? Which RS2K site are you more prone to use when looking for a provider?
James1588's Avatar
... Which RS2K site are you more prone to use when looking for a provider? Originally Posted by LeahMitchell
I may as well admit that I've never used RS2K. I've heard of it. But between P411 and ECCIE, well ... I could easily keep much more busy than I can afford.

Sorry I can't be more helpful.
The RS2K Chicago site is reserved for providers who are based in Chicago. So if you're not based in Chicago, and are just visiting, you'll automatically be listed on RS2K Travel.
Jannisary's Avatar
I have most of my fun in the St. Louis area but when I've traveled to Chicago I would always check out both RS2K Chicago and RS2K Travel. The reason being that Chicago has great providers from there but also attracts great providers on tour and I had one of my best escort experiences with a touring provider in Chicago.
Leah, I've noticed the same thing. When I first went to Chicago about 4 years ago, I would get a TON of hits off the RS2K travel - now not so much.

Talking to other ladies, they say Chicago in whole is not what it use to be.