not receiving responses

i messaged 2 providers almost 3 days back, i haven't gotten a response, I see that the messages state "unread", but i do see the providers last activity until an hour ago, what may be the case here? this is the first time i am contacting they both, so i am not blocked or anything, does this simply mean they are ignoring it?
Either ignoring it, busy and forgot, maybe just have mass amounts of messages flowing into their inbox so whichever they happen to click on and screen first is the lucky guy... could be lots of things but my advice to you is be patient, perhaps reach out to a different lady in the mean time? And *dont become a stalker*. Maybe they dont want to see you because they instantly "DNS" anyone who joined in 2014 lol

it could be anything is all Im saying love and best not to become fixated on one or two people in this great wide hobby world of ours
3daygetaway's Avatar
send Ginger Lynn a copy of your messages to the other two; she’ll critique them for you. You may have an ineffective approach
Sometimes there’s too many pms in the inbox. Multiple reasons
CubanAva's Avatar
They may not be available for sessions so they might not reply until they are, or they could be booked. And like Gingerlyn stated, they could have overlooked your message by accident or simply haven’t gotten to it yet.

Be patient, do not be aggressive or degrading and give them time! I’m sure they’re more than worth the wait, most of the ladies on here are!
Screwtapemcgee's Avatar
Don't take it personally... If you don't get a response, move on. There are plenty of lovely ladies on here that will get back to you in a timely manner.
Dev Null's Avatar
Wait a few days and try again? Persistence might be flattering if you don't overdo it, and there's nothing wrong with keeping your name warm. If they get a lot of time-wasters, then it might separate you from the pack.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Perhaps the rumors and speculations made by two other providers regarding your stalker like tendencies is starting to gain traction.

I don't believe it and the hookers need to be forbidden from doing this but until us dudes unite they will continue to make decisions on what's best for them. Not what's best for the guys.
ck1942's Avatar
Given that the op's visible track record is quite limited, one review way overdue timewise and another more recently, it may well be that:

1) providers consider you low relative value on a grand scale
2) you didn't exactly meet the provider's info data specifications when you reached out, for example, making a "generic" inquiry rather than specifying "I'd like one hour of your time this Wednesday at 9 or 10 a.m."
3) if you were seeking a session with a very low volume provider she likely may have many regulars awaiting entry and you are at the end of a list.

In any case, my TDL (and I don't know about yours, obviously) is frequently adjusted when I never get the courtesy of a reply.

My counsel to the o.p. is that:

-- he should immediately invest a few bucks in PA
-- ditto for P411
-- post more regularly so folks can evaluate his board presence, persona and likes, dislikes

-- expect that merely by raising the "reply issue" here, he has possibly turned off some providers when they do whatever research they may do into making a connection -- or not.

For the record, the o.p. and all other newbies should also research the Austin newbie friendly thread right cheer in the coed forum.

= = = = =

^^^ the only "dude" who should connect with ^^^ ought to be Paul Bunyan (pronounced as in "bunion" which certainly describes an annoyance usually on a human foot but possibly also a fitting description of a hemmorhoid!) btw, Bunyan's pet was Babe the Blue Ox and was named such since he never got laid -- BLUE BALLS -- which apparently also describes the condition of ^^^