Things said by Providers when "Caught up in the moment."

RochBob's Avatar
I'm sure this has happened to others on here. But I was reminded recently of how "forgetful" Providers can be of the things they say or do "in the moment (during the middle of a session)". This is not the usual "upsell" thing where they tell you can do "X" for an upcharge or suggest an act and if you follow up on it later they tell you "That's extra.".

Its when you are in the middle of a session and all of a sudden they say its alright to do "X" with them (i.e. Greek, Bareback, DFK, DATY, etc.) or they ask (sometimes beg) you to do that act to them. But according to their official "Menu" its off limits. If you happen to perform that act and would like to do it again. Or want to try it later. You usually get told the official line of "I don't do that or I don't allow that.". And if you bring up that they said it was alright or you let me do it previously. They don't remember having said or done that to/with you.

Now I understand that we all get caught up in the moment sometimes and do things we might not normally do in the throes of passion. But I find it convenient (or inconvenient as the case maybe) for a Provider to have "Selective Memory" about what they told a client or did with them. Especially if its something they claim to have never done with anyone else (yes, I know, you have a bridge to sell me if I actually believe that line.). I just wondered if anyone else out there has had the same type of experience.
elghund's Avatar
If a girl breaks her rules for you, and you accept......what makes you think you have the right to expect that the next time?

Why not take the gift she gave, and not think you just got permanent rights to that extra forever?

I don't get your line of thinking.

Lot of girls develop selective memory. May be due to seeing so many jimmies or due to the unhealthy lifestyle many have that may effect their memory....
cowboy8055's Avatar
Probably has to do with the mood they get in during a date. You can't expect them to have the same chemistry with everyone. They may get in an adventurous mood occasionally and want to try something out of their normal routine. Consider yourself lucky should that happen to you and leave it at that. Can't necessarily expect it again.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

when you have to ask, you're dead in the water.
you just be trying to hard to understand.

There is time to
just go with the flow.
test the water
take action
jump in
and run for your fucking life

Lets take a easier topic, MONEY
So you been repeating with a provider to the point you just started at times have contact each other than making a deal. Its less than a year. So you be taking to each other and she ask can you come over for some hanky pankie. But you got bills to pay and say, sorry I'm short. You can hear in her voice her eyes rolling as she asks HOW SHORT. This is first time this has come up.

Answer with one of the red lines. And why you pick that answer.
But remember, your answer will effect how things will go...
PS: if a freebie or lunch offer is made, lunch is safer
and there taint no right or wrong answer. But you must know the answer will have pay back in non cash ways. Are you will to there or not what ever that payment be?
Ceremony's Avatar
You're dealing with another human being and are subject to their whims and desires at a given moment. If something was ok once then not ok the next. Just respect it and move on. imho...
Ceremony- BINGO!
If a girl breaks her rules for you, and you accept......what makes you think you have the right to expect that the next time?

Why not take the gift she gave, and not think you just got permanent rights to that extra forever?

I don't get your line of thinking.

elg....... Originally Posted by elghund
Very well said elg
trojantide's Avatar
I've experienced menu expansion, never menu contraction. However, if a lady did say something was a one time 'sample' and that would be extra on the next visit, I think I'd be ok with that.
If she tried to deny the event never happened and I felt she was lying, I'd be done with her. I don't like being lied to.
Actually, I've been amazed at the memory on some of these gals.
Plastic Man's Avatar
Actually, I've been amazed at the memory on some of these gals. Originally Posted by trojantide
theres an old saying ...a bird in the hand is better than a shit on a plate and a whore never forgets
umm this would be like on the provider's end a client tipping her and then he come back and not tip her and then
she come onto the board and complain publicly about that client not tipping her...

id say you were given a should have savored it when you had it..

Cuz right sound greedy for a freebie...
offshoredrilling's Avatar
umm this would be like on the provider's end a client tipping her and then he come back and not tip her and then
she come onto the board and complain publicly about that client not tipping her...

id say you were given a should have savored it when you had it..

Cuz right sound greedy for a freebie... Originally Posted by aj14620
freebies never free girl. Its a lot of hard to get there.
And I getting to old for that...

I still think the op is trying and thinking to hard.
is that thinking part thinking wrong
Lexxxy's Avatar
I'm so conditioned to say "love you bye" that when my date left at 11 I said"love you bye" which he knee jerk replied " Have a good day at school I (pause)" we both stood there for a sec then burst out laughing.
Plastic Man's Avatar
I'm so conditioned to say "love you bye" that when my date left at 11 I said"love you bye" which he knee jerk replied " Have a good day at school I (pause)" we both stood there for a sec then burst out laughing. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
that musta been a ...hoot
Yes, I had a provider more than willing to go bareback with her. Once during shower play and then during half asleep sex