why you should be:
levels the playing field, keeps big money from influencing excessively, makes the process inherently fair and equitable.
why you may not be:
money doesn't buy votes per se, it is my right to spend as much as I want on my election, it is un-American to restrict me, who cares if Bloomberg and Steyer blow their fortunes for 3-7% of the vote, none of my concern or business.
I support public funding IN PRINCIPLE. but it won't work unless other measures are taken, such as blocking fake Russian ads on Facebook, reducing "excess" Media bias, restricting 3rd party donations that circumvent the process, and disguise themselves as something else.
what the fuck.. the system will never work satisfactorily, no matter what law you try to pass.. I would start with, say, a total direct spending limit for each campaign.. it's not perfect, far from it, but at least it will slash total DIRECT spending.. that is worth doing, in my view.
Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I knew it, LOL..
nobody cares about this subject.. offer a topic for reason, debate and insight, you guys flee. no insult material here..
I already predicted what guys would think.. I should have predicted that you are predictable
Originally Posted by Chung Tran
WOW, it was a whole 26 minutes until your righteous indignation and all about me and my thread comes out. Really 26 minutes for you to determine no one cares. You have this habit of trying to play the holier than thou card at every turn. It's getting old.
But as to your topic above, it's funny how this comes up when it's the Dems on the losing side of the contributions and money.
As you suggest in one point regarding the direct spending limit per campaign, that was already tried with the availability of public funding to the candidates. Obama shattered that glass ceiling when he reneged on accepting public funding and it's limitations. It's now a largely dead issue for those who can raise vast dollars.
And for your point regarding "bias" in the media, you would indeed have to basically put a gag order on election coverage if you are really looking for "fair". Direct money is only a small piece of it. Trump got Billions of dollars in free advertising, albeit the attempts were to denigrate him.
Unless you totally close the system, which I consider totally Un-American, then you continue with a capitalistic style election process.