New Year's Resolutions

boardman's Avatar
It's that time of year again and I've been thincking long and hard about all the bad things I've done over the last year and how much fun it's been. So I decided to put a list together to see just how much fun I can imagine having this coming year. This list is not all inclusive it just happens to be what's on my mind at the moment.

1) Get a fucking judge to sign the hobby divorce papers
2) Get drunck with Babydoll Snow
3) Get a bigger belt buckle
4) Fuck more
5) Marry Babydoll Snow
6) Give my old belt buckle to TG
7) Trick dearhunter into buying my lunch
8) Learn how to hustle UTRs like NAN(kinda goes in with #4)
9) Confess my sins to Father Wayward
10) Find a non-Reiki provider with blue water
11) Waterproof the deck on my front porch
12) Insult Raphael more
13) Fuck with Carkido46 more unless he vouches for me at a latina agency
14) Keep my pubes trimmed
15) Let LD have her way with me
16) Send UCD some sexy cat pictures
17) Get Wakeup a Xanax prescription
18) Become a mod
19) Become an ambassador
20) Join Wayward on a "Wal-mart run"
21) Find more Cat Avatars
22) Get on a provider's horny list

I may have more to add in the future.
now I can help you out with #s 15 and 21. The rest.. good luck baby.