Does "Humqan Trafficking" Affect the legitimate Providers?

ICU 812's Avatar
Human Trafficking is a major LE target these days. Forced or cohered labor or sex work is a despicable act in anyone's book. It amounts to modern day slavery.

There is a considerable trade in men and women these days both for sweatshop labor and sex work. Lately much of it begins at the Mexican border.

Has the recent rise in human smuggling affected Independent Providers?
Grace Preston's Avatar
In the interest of fairness-- the rise in human smuggling isn't recent.. its just getting a lot more media attention now.
ICU 812's Avatar
Not to pick an argument but . . .

Sure we have had human smuggling for decades and longer. . . .and the trend over time has indeed been up. However the stats on how many folks are crossing into the USA in recent months are much higher tan previously.

The OP is not intended to be a remark on policy or politics which is why it is posted here. Rather it is a question directed at the Providers, asking if there has been an impact on them from this mass influx of people from around the world.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Grace is still correct.
Trafficking, slavery, smuggling, etc, including for bcd activities, has been going on for thousands of years.
ICU 812's Avatar
Yes, yes . . .I agree with both of you on that.

Human trafficking, world wide and since recorded time, has been an ongoing endive in many forms. . .and it is always a bad thing.

I am speaking to the monumental increase in the inflow of trafficked folks into the USA from around the world that has occurred in the past few months. This has been widely reported on news outlets across the spectrum.

Disregarding national policy or politics, I am asking if there has been ay impact on the Hobby from the Independent Provider's stand point.

My guess is that at some point we will see a supply-and-demand effect but other things could occur.
Meh. "Sex trafficking" definition has changed, that's why it's "increasing", now any provider who moves from one place to another is "trafficking", even if she does it on her own. Also for the sake of politicians and the press every single bust "potential sex slavery, trafficking" bust.... Almost 100% of which always turn into to pain old selling and soliciting.
Meh. "Sex trafficking" definition has changed, that's why it's "increasing", now any provider who moves from one place to another is "trafficking", even if she does it on her own. Also for the sake of politicians and the press every single bust "potential sex slavery, trafficking" bust.... Almost 100% of which always turn into to pain old selling and soliciting. Originally Posted by oldphone14
This^^ They use human trafficking to make it more dramatic Sadly it probably takes away from the true people in harms way.
Isn't the reason for "fosta"(?????) laws to stop trafficing??
This^^ They use human trafficking to make it more dramatic Sadly it probably takes away from the true people in harms way. Originally Posted by SinOrSwim
Agreed, the few actual instances of such gross practices are hidden from plain sight for sure. They arent operating in strip mall AMPS or publicly known brothels...too much exposure for that level of illegality.

But, if they REALLY cared about those kind of "slavery" issues, they'd LEGALIZE the sex trade and regulate it....

So, they dont really care about protecting those few such cases at smoke and mirrors just to bust the consensual sex worker/john.
Meh. "Sex trafficking" definition has changed, that's why it's "increasing", now any provider who moves from one place to another is "trafficking", even if she does it on her own. Also for the sake of politicians and the press every single bust "potential sex slavery, trafficking" bust.... Almost 100% of which always turn into to pain old selling and soliciting. Originally Posted by oldphone14
Agreed. They’re just painting the whole industry as some entity that’s nothing but women being forced to have sex against their will. Totally ignores the independent women doing it out of their own free will with clients exercising their right to choose to pay for sex work of their own free will. Free country, yeah right.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Human Trafficking is a major LE target these days. Forced or cohered labor or sex work is a despicable act in anyone's book. It amounts to modern day slavery.

There is a considerable trade in men and women these days both for sweatshop labor and sex work. Lately much of it begins at the Mexican border.

Has the recent rise in human smuggling affected Independent Providers? Originally Posted by ICU 812

The question was:
Has the recent rise in human smuggling affected Independent Providers?

No one seems to have addressed the question that was presented!
TinMan's Avatar
Maybe you could get away from the semantic argument (at least for the point of this thread) about the statistical* rise in trafficking by rephrasing the question as, “Has the increased attention on trafficking affected the independent ladies’ business?”

I can’t imagine the answer would be “no”, but am interested in the provider prospective.

*Remember what Twain and others have said: there are lies, damned lies, and statistics. That’s why a lot of people on this site get riled up about the alleged explosion in trafficking. Many of the reported numbers are flat out wrong and based on crappy research.
TailHooked's Avatar
Well I don't know about the rest of the country. In KC they don't appear to be popping up on the net. Otherwise they would be like the rotasians. If they are here, they are under the radar in the Latin communities. So if we don't know about them, they aren't taking any work away.
Gotyour6's Avatar
It now means hooking
The male is looked at as the bad guy and the poor darling girl was forced one way or another to perform sex acts to maintain an income.

Women want equal rights till its time to go to jail then she claims she is a victim
ICU 812's Avatar
Re-reading this thread . . . .

I think what I was getting at in my first post was the huge increase in people being trafficked across the Mexican border and eventually onto our streets. many to most of them are "migrant's" who pay to be smuggled in . . . however you may want to otherwise characterize them.

However a significant number are being trafficked in the worst sense of the word for the purpose of coursed or forced sex work. And that is , I think, what I was getting at. Is there a noticeable impact on the Hobby with this latest surge in trafficked women into our cities?