2 call system?

  • gh
  • 10-23-2012, 05:36 PM
What is the 2 call system? My phone broke and I can't call a provider, so I've had to find/ borrow one. I'm afraid it's screwing me over with the 2 call system. Sorry noob question
You have a date with a gal in Dallas at 4PM. You call as you head to Dallas and she says "I am at XXXX hotel on XXXX blvd. Call one
You get to the hotel and call her again she gives you the room number. Call two
On the second call she may ask you to park in a certain area. She will be watching you pull up and make an assessment to determine if you may be a cop or other threat. It is for the protection of the gal or to give her pimp a chance to see if you are a threat to him.